What better place to start your environmentally friendly initiative than your own home? It's Earth Day, remember the responsibility to leave this earth a better place.
It's Earth Day! A good day to remember the responsibility to leave this earth a better place for generations to come. What better place to start your environmentally friendly initiative than your own home?

Resolve to protect and nurture the Earth this Earth Day
Image - Visitabingdonvirginia.com
Here are a few simple but effective ideas to green your cleaning routine today.
Green Cleaning
Choose to use bio-degradable, non-toxic cleaning products that are made from renewable sources that will not pollute indoor air with allergy and disease causing chemicals. Finding a more earth friendly way of cleaning is possible, for instance, instead of using a power guzzling air purifier use plants to naturally purify indoor air.

Opt for home made or bio degradable cleaning products
Image - Teknationnj.com
Dispose Responsibly
Think about the things that you are replacing or disposing off, from kitchen garbage to cell phones, ask yourself "How do I dispose of it in a green manner?"
Segregating garbage at source, will ensure that landfills do not fill up with unnecessary or toxic waste. Today there are many NGO's that will recycle your electronic junk and salvage materials of value to be sold, the proceeds from sales will go to further their causes.

Dispose of E-waste responsibly
Image - Save.ca
Avoid Dry Cleaning
Adopting Earth friendly practices in your day to day life and teaching children a green way of life can make a tangible difference to the environment, today and in the long run. For example, avoid conventional dry cleaning as it uses an industrial solvent called perchloroethylene which is toxic to humans and causes smog. Similarly opt for a green regimen for your garden, using home made compost and natural or organic fertilizers and insecticides.

Smog caused by chemical pollutants like perchloroethylene used for dry cleaning
Image - Hearth.com
Design Green
To take it to the absolutely elemental level, the best way to go truly green is to design with an earth and environment friendly bent of mind. This means buildings built for better energy efficiency and lower energy consumption and keeping cleanability as an central aspect of the design process. Buildings that are designed to be easier to clean require fewer chemical cleaners that pollute the environment and this also cuts your cleaning bill!

Green design for better cleanability and less pollution
Image - Asiagreenbuildings.com
There are so many ways to be "green" conscious like consuming locally sourced and produced goods and perishables, decorating with ethically sourced and responsibly manufactured objects, basically re-evaluating your entire purchase process to underline the value of the environment. So pass on the word today by sharing this information with your friends and loved ones as a great way to celebrate Earth Day!