Top 5 Ideas To Organize Your Wardrobe At Home

If you're worried about your messy closet and don't know where to begin, here are few ways to get started

Top 5 Ideas To Organize Your Wardrobe At Home

It's no secret that organizing a wardrobe takes a lot of effort, and this responsibility is never-ending as our closets need to be cleaned from time to time since they tend to get cluttered over a point if they are not taken care off!

If your closet is unorganized, you may lose track of what exactly is inside it and have difficulty finding the right clothing at the right time.

If you are worried about organizing your messy closet, then you are at the right place to discover how you can sort out your wardrobe in the easiest way possible.

Let's rearrange your closet with these simple steps together!

Rearrange and organize your closet

Step 1: Start From The Scratch:

Before you dive straight into rearranging your closet, start with cleaning and emptying it. In addition to the clothes that you already have, this step is essential to help you getting rid of all the unnecessary items like electronic devices, books, old newspapers, etc that you have stuffed inside your closet. These items tend to occupy a lot of space, making it difficult to find room for your clothes. Therefore this idea makes sure you're detoxifying your wardrobe completely.

Tip: Use surface cleaners to remove dust and dirt from your wardrobe.
Thrift and Donate your clothes

Step 2: Time To Eliminate

Declutter your wardrobe next! Yes, we know how hard it is to say goodbye to some of your favorite old things, but this is a vital step towards starting fresh and reducing closet clutter. Eliminate items you no longer use or items you find outdated and out-of-style. You can thrift, resell or donate these clothes at any time.

Plan on organizing your wardrobe for a stylish look

Step 3: Plan It well:

After cleaning, eliminating, now its time to focus on planning. Make sure you organize your wardrobe well by separating the type of material, clothing, or different colors from each other. Allot space to your clothes according to their category - jeans, casual wear, party wear, pajamas, office wear. It makes it easier to find your clothes during a time of urgency.
Additionally, your wardrobe looks more stylish and neat this way.

Tip: When organizing your clothes, use hangers to keep them wrinkle-free.
Organize accessories like jewellery, shoes, belts in your closet

Step 4: Don't Forget Accessories

In addition to clothing; accessories and jewelry are also a major part of any closet. Accessories such as rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches can easily get tangled if not organized properly, Therefore invest in a jewelry box, which comes with drawers so that you have a dedicated compartment for each type of jewelry. You can also use hooks to hang your jewelries to prevent it from getting tangled.

Tip 1: Shoes or any other type of footwear can be placed in the bottom compartment of your wardrobe using storage baskets.
Tip 2: Use drawers or small shelves in your wardrobe to store your handbags and purses
Ideas to maintain and organize your wardrobe

Step 5: Follow And Maintain Often

Once you have completed all the steps and put back all your clothes and accessories according to the new system, the next step is to ensure that you continually maintain this whenever necessary. If you notice that your unwanted clothes are piling up, donate and thrift them.
It's a good idea to clean and organize your closet after every few months.

Tip: To keep your clothes and cupboards smelling fresh, use air freshener blocks

It looks like your closet is ready for a new avatar, one that is incredibly neat, tidy and clean!
If you love cleaning, organizing, or taking care of your home, then HomeTriangle is the right place for you to get all the information relevant to your interests.

Also Read: HomeTriangle Guides: Clean & Organize - 9 Ways To Max Wardrobe Storage