Secret Signs Your Pet Is Actually a Genius
Ever had a situation where you wondered about the intelligence of your pet, then you just have to see if your pet has the following qualities.

Pets help us stave off loneliness and create a sense of solace. They provide this companionship that most of the time humans crave. I still remember my pet dog playing around with me. I was never a pet lover, but this changed when I developed a bond with my pet. It is only after you own a pet that you realize how special these animals are and how well they empathize with us more than any of our fellow humans out there. And if we are their favorite human, then we are the luckiest. Now all of those who are looking into this blog might be looking for ways to know if your pet is really smart or not. There might have been some incident that led you to think your pet exhibits intelligence. Most Dog lovers have this notion that dogs are the smartest among all pets. We humans are not the only creatures that were subject to evolution, cats, and dogs are all evolved, and So how do we understand if our pets are geniuses or not? Animals already are good at solving things and adapting to their surroundings, being able to learn and all as part of survival. But according to research done this ability “can vary due to differences in development, genetics, hormones, age, and environmental conditions, and focusing on individual animals is the best approach to understanding this development.”
Signs Of Smart Pets:
Exploring pet intelligence is a vast area and is a very interesting topic. If you have ever observed these qualities and abilities in your pets then yes! your pet is smart.

"What kind of intelligence allows a bird to anticipate the arrival of a distant storm? Or find its way to a place it has never been before, though it may be thousands of miles away?" This quote by Jennifer Ackerman gives us an idea of the problem-solving and navigational skills present in birds, which can be seen as a form of intelligence. There are many other animals like ravens, dolphins, apes, pigs, and bats exhibiting intelligence and memory power. But when it comes to pets not many have these skills. If you have ever seen your pet try to open a door and succeed it means they have good problem-solving skills. There are many other ways to test their skills too.
Once we take a pet in, we speak to them normally as we do to other people in our home. I still remember the day our puppy was brought into my home and how my father used to talk to him day and night. And I remember how our puppy used to react to everything he said. There were many such moments when I felt that my dog was smarter than the other dogs. He used to react to certain body language of mine, gestures, or expressions. Many times they try to talk to us with their wagging tail, licking, and running around, though deciphering this is not easy, you understand that finding certain cues and making this a habit can help you and your pet understand each other more.
Having a good memory is a sign of intelligence and for testing this skill, you will have to name all of your doggie's favorite toys and then teach them the names. Ask your doggie to fetch the toy you name and if they bring back the toy you asked for, then your dog has a good memory.
Adaptability to social settings is a great cue that your pet is smart. On YouTube, you might have seen cute videos of different animals interacting peacefully with each other, coexisting with other animals, or mimicking their owners, which is a sign of high adaptability. They show signs of empathy too which I guess is a quality that many humans itself lack these days.
Emotional intelligence can be defined as your pet’s ability to understand and respond to other’s emotions. If there was ever a moment in your life where your pet comforted you during your tough times then your pet is empathetic and has a deep bond with you. This shows that they have emotional intelligence. I had three cats and there were some situations where I felt one of my cats was very considerate towards me and how I felt. But the other two didn't have any care in the world, they just wanted to be petted. So this is how you can observe and understand what makes your pet different from the other animals of their species.
So here I’m going to give a cognitive task idea to test the pet’s problem-solving capabilities. Start with easy tasks and gradually increase the difficulty as your pet masters them. Also, make sure that the sessions are short and engaging to maintain your pet's interest:

The Treat Challenge
This challenge is for the mental stimulation of these animals.
- Dogs: Take three paper cups hide a treat under one of the three cups and shuffle them around. See if your dog can locate where the treat is through scent or visual cues.
- Cats: These are the laziest and stubborn among pets so if you can get your cat baby to do this experiment itself points out they are smart. Hide small treats around the house and see if your cat can sniff them out. Also, treat dispensers are available to buy that require cats to manipulate levers or paw at buttons to release treats. These can be mentally stimulating and provide entertainment.
- Birds: Find a box and then fill it with shredded paper, small toys, and hidden treats. See how quick your bird is at finding the treats.
Observe your pet's behavior and if they seem to get frustrated, take a break or simplify the task for them. Remember, this is one among the many ideas. With a little creativity, you can come up with many other cognitive tasks to entertain them and improve their mental state.

Every pet is brilliant in their way and only a loving and responsible pet owner can bring their potential. Owning a pet is a long-term commitment, so before buying or adopting one, research all the breeds to understand which will suit your lifestyle and whether you can maintain them. Owning a pet is a long-term commitment and it requires establishing a consistent routine for feeding, walks, and playtime for them. Exercise and mental stimulation prevent boredom and keep your pet sharp. Training and playing with them strengthens your bond and ensures a well-behaved pet. Pet-proofing your home and ensuring proper identification is necessary for pet safety. Pets play a great role in aiding your mental health and making you happy. The importance of socialization, love, and attention reflects on your pet’s behavior so make sure to create a positive environment for your pets.

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