Safety Comes First: Top 7 Safety Tips For Single Women Living Alone
If you want to live alone but also feel safe in a different city, then here are the top safety tips you can use to ensure a safer space while living alone:

Reportedly, more than 63% of women feel anxious while living alone in a different city. This could be why some women prefer living in a PG (Paying Guest) room or hostel. But if you are someone who wants to live alone but would definitely want to feel safe in a different city, then here are the top safety measures you can take to ensure you have a safer space while living alone:
1) Secure Your Home

Having proper surveillance at your home is the first step when it comes to safety tips. Cross-check the hook and lock quality of doors and windows before moving in. If the landlord doesn't provide amenities like a Safety Alarm, CCTV, or Motion Sensors, ensure to equip at least one of them for your safety. Having control over surveilling your home will give you a sense of safety even when you're not around. Always keep your home well-lit since well-lit homes are less prone to theft or vandalism. You can also request your landlord to attend your calls, especially if it's around midnight. If they're a good landlord, they'll understand why.
2) Learn Self-Defence

Who said women can't fight? But to ask this question boldly to your uninvited guests, you need to know basic self-defence. This not only helps you protect yourself from intruders or stalkers but is a good survival skill to adapt when you're living alone. Take 1 hour from your daily routine and join nearby self-defence classes like Krav Maga, Karate, Boxing, or Muay Thai. Krav Maga can benefit women as it specializes in techniques suitable for real-world situations and is known for being effective against a larger attacker. If you have a Krav Maga training centre nearby, close your eyes and go for it.
3) Be A Friendly Neighbour

This is just a theory, but I feel fewer attacks used to happen back then because there were neighbours who looked out for you, even during the day. The community used to be friendly back in those times. Now, we hardly know our neighbour's name. It is time to bring back that friendly practice to build a peaceful environment and make you feel safer. Talk to your neighbours and maintain a respectful and friendly bond with them. They'll be the ones who can help you during an emergency since they live right next to you. They can also look out for your home when you're away. So, Be a good neighbour. For your community. For your safety.
4) Avoid Sharing On Social Media

I know this is the era of Social Media, and it is hard to resist sharing personal updates with your community. But let's be realistic. When you're living by yourself, you might have the risk of stalkers preying on women who don't have people around. This is because they think it's easy for them to target a woman who lives alone. So, whenever you feel like broadcasting your personal updates, please share them with the people you trust and know personally. Avoid having a public account on Social Media platforms so that strangers or stalkers won't know where you are or what you're up to.
5) Strangers Aren't Your Friends

When you're living in a different city, you will meet people and form connections with them. That is part of being an independent adult. It can be through your colleagues or acquaintances. But while building a closer bond, observe before trusting them with all your heart. And if you're having second thoughts, do not hesitate to prioritize your safety over anything. For example, if you're invited to a house party by your colleague or acquaintance, inform your loved ones before going and update them regularly about where you are. It is also better to subtly make people know you're constantly in touch with someone. This can avoid dangerous situations if they have ugly intentions with you.
6) Safety Equipments

Having handy safety equipment can be highly beneficial for your safety. Be it while going out or inside a home. A Pepper Spray, for example, can be the number one option since you can keep it inside your bag while you're out or next to your bedstand while sleeping alone in your home. You can also buy a keychain alarm, which alerts the surroundings with just one click. This can also be handy and useful when you're out or in. Apart from these, you can buy a door jammer and install it on your home door. This equipment can prevent someone from entering even if they break your door lock.
7) Trust Your Instincts

This tip is personal. No other equipment or safety measures are as effective as your instincts. When you're an independent woman, you will go out to different places, meet people, spend time with them, and come back home to do your home chores. And when you encounter situations where you feel something is off or negative, trust your instincts and look for your own safety and protection. Call a friend you trust or the Police before you end up in a dangerous situation. The Police force is out there to help people. Do not hesitate to seek help from them.
Living alone can be a liberating experience. Part of being independent is to know you can protect yourself and feel safe. Hopefully, these tips above have encouraged you to leave your fear and anxiousness behind to live alone. Cheers!
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