Photography Tips: A Quick Beginners Guide

Understanding what makes a great photo is important before you begin taking them. The following tips will guide you on your journey to becoming an expert photographer

Photography Tips: A Quick Beginners Guide

Photography is an art form that involves capturing moments, seeing stories through a lens, and creating an impactful image with whatever elements you can find around you. It allows photographers to be explorers, and to see the world from a different perspective.

Photography inspires people and also helps to preserve and save one important moment that you will remember for the rest of your life. It's an art form in which photographers experiment with light, colors, composition, exposure, and a variety of other factors. Every aspect of photography is important to turn your images into stunning pictures. However, making a photo look exactly how you imagined, takes a lot of effort and skill. Furthermore, to reduce image size can streamline the management, sharing, and storage of your images, all while maintaining quality.

For starters, Let's Understand The Camera Basics

Use The Right Lens

Right Lens

The right lens will benefit you in capturing a perfect photograph; selecting the correct lens is key depending on your subject. If you want to capture a close-up of your object, a macro lens is a good fit as it allows you to capture every single detail of your object, whereas to photograph a large subject, such as mountains, where you want to cover the majority of the area, a wide lens is what you should choose. These two types of lenses are the most common and are simple for beginners to begin with.

A Quick Guide To Camera Features

Camera Features

Aperture: By selecting the right aperture, you will be able to control how much light enters the photo, as well as how much of the depth in the image is focused based on the subject in the photograph. The aperture is the opening in the lens, and it decides how much light to let into the still. Remember, A higher aperture setting will result in a lower light entering the camera and vice versa, so make sure you balance this setting carefully.

ISO: ISO is a light-gathering setting on your camera; it's a digital sensor that is sensitive to light; keep in mind that the lower the ISO number, the lower the sensitivity of the light, and the higher the ISO number, the higher the sensitivity of light in your image.

Shutter Speed: Shutter speed is the length of time the camera's shutter is open before actually capturing the subject. Shutter speed also controls how much light is coming in at this time, so the longer the shutter speed, the brighter the pictures, and fast the shutter speed, your subject gathers less light and your image tends to turn darker.

Tip: Practice will help you develop your skills and master these features as you become more familiar with them.

Follow The Rule Of Thirds

 Rule Of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a popular lesson that every photographer learns before they begin photographing. This is the most effective rule for taking the best photos. The rule of thirds is a guideline that divides your subject into nine grids comprised of two horizontal and two vertical lines. These lines or boxes assist the photographer in creating more focus on the image or the object.

Now Let's Look At Some Creative Photography Ideas

Use Natural Light

Natural Light

Light is one of the most important aspects of photography; it enhances and beautifies your images; therefore, whenever possible, try to utilize natural light, which is sunlight, as it allows you to create some beautiful images without spending any money on equipment. Remember, the brighter the sunlight, the better the contrast in the images; natural light makes your images more vibrant, and colorized, and adds depth.

Use Props

camera props

Props are one powerful element to add to your pictures, as they bring life to your object, especially if your subject is food or a product than adding props as your elements is a very good idea. It makes your image look attractive and interesting and creates a desire for your viewers to buy it!

Use A Tripod


It's best to invest in a tripod, it helps you with the stability of the movement. With the help of a tripod, you can easily place the camera and click the pictures without them being blurred and shaky, plus it helps capture good pictures if you're shooting in a low light setting.

Edit The Photographs

Edit The Photographs

Finally, editing your photos allows you to create the best image possible before posting it anywhere. Editing intensifies your image by cropping, adding effects such as brightness, saturation, contracts, highlights, vibrancy, and so on, as well as retouching and fixing it to a whole new level, giving your snaps an emphasized look.

Tip: Add filters to your image during the editing process to enhance your photographs.

These are some simple and basic tips to get you started on your photography journey. If you love to read more such informative content, like tips, hacks, and DIYs then follow HomeTriangle to read more Blogs. Cheers!