Finding Peace: Buddha's Quotes To Improve Our Mental Health

Buddha's wisdom has no bounds. That is why his words are still relevant. Here are my 5 favourite quotes from Buddha addressing mental health and ways to improve it:

Finding Peace: Buddha's Quotes To Improve Our Mental Health

The topic of Mental Health is so dense that it requires more exploration.

[You can check this out in case you haven't:- 5 Habits That Will Make Your Life Positive & Digital Detox: Eliminating Social Media For Our Peace & Well-Being]

Today, let's explore Buddha's quotes. We all know that his wisdom has no bounds. Maybe that's why his teachings and words are still relevant. So, I've gathered five favourite quotes from Buddha addressing our mental health and ways to improve it. Let's begin:-

"The Mind Is Everything. What You Think You Become"

"The Mind Is Everything. What You Think You Become"

Although the current trend is to talk about positivity and ignore negativity, we hardly follow it. Be Honest. When was the last time you were grateful for what you have in your life? Maybe it's the human tendency or our phone-addicted lifestyle, but we seldom feel thankful for the stuff we have in our lives. We constantly compare ourselves to others and complain about how life is unfair. This constant negative talk and thinking will only ruin our mental health. This is why Buddha preaches to live a positive life. He emphasizes that we have a significant power of thinking to help us lead a peaceful life unless our thoughts are consumed by negativity. Train your mind to have positive thoughts, don't harm anyone, try to see the silver lining in everyday things, and be grateful for what you have. Cultivating positive actions and thoughts in life will positively impact our mental health. Don't trust me? Try and let me know.

"The Root Of Suffering Is Attachment"

"The Root Of Suffering Is Attachment"

Attachment- some feel too much of it, and some lack it. Attachment comes in many ways, like desire, hope, or expectation. When you attach yourself to things in life, and when things go wrong, you suffer through disappointment. But we must understand that life is uncertain. Things may work in our favour, and sometimes it may not. If you float like water and let life take you wherever it does, you develop a sense of detachment and suffer less. Let us not confuse it with being indifferent to things or not planning anything. Buddha preaches to build a healthy detachment so that you'll realize our lives are unpredictable and anything can happen to anyone at any given point in time. This can help you avoid suffering through disappointment or failure.

"The Secret Of Health For Both Mind And Body Is Not To Mourn For The Past, Nor To Worry About The Future, But To Live The Present Moment Wisely And Earnestly"

"The Secret Of Health For Both Mind And Body Is Not To Mourn For The Past, Nor To Worry About The Future, But To Live The Present Moment Wisely And Earnestly"

It's high time humans understand that we cannot travel to the past or the future (Unless they develop a Time Machine). And that is why time is one of the most significant things in our life. All we have is the present moment. We must also understand that we don't have the ability to change our past or live in the future. Buddha says if you want to have positive mental health, you should stop regretting your past actions or think about your future and feel anxious. Shift your focus to the current moment and experience every ounce of it earnestly. Indulge in activities that truly make you feel alive. Practice Yoga, Go to a Gym, Perform Charity, Focus on your Career, Develop healthy Relationships, Travel, and Eat Healthy. Always try to spend your time wisely. Because tomorrow never comes.

"Peace Comes From Within. Do Not Seek It Without"

"Peace Comes From Within. Do Not Seek It Without"

People are so addicted to seeking happiness that they ignore the crucial thing for our sanity, Peace. There is a saying, "Joy and Pain are temporary, but Peace is permanent." And since Peace is by far more crucial and enduring than happiness, it is essential to prioritize it over happiness. But how do we feel peaceful? And how can we find Peace? This is where Buddha's teachings come into play. This quote reminds us to find Peace within ourselves by nurturing humane qualities like love, acceptance, care, wisdom, empathy, and compassion. And when you successfully find Peace, you feel peaceful. It's as simple as that. Humans are here for a purpose, or maybe not. But as long as we're here, we might as well feel peaceful.

"Holding On To Anger Is Like Drinking Poison And Expecting The Other Person To Die"

"Holding On To Anger Is Like Drinking Poison And Expecting The Other Person To Die"

Anger is a strong emotion. At some point in our lives, we will get angry. It's next to impossible to eliminate this emotion from us. However, feeling angry at all times or carrying a grudge within us will only cause us more harm than anything. This is what Buddha preaches. When we feel angry at someone, we are furious and wish the worst on them (Maybe that's just me). But feeling furious will only hamper our well-being and doesn't make a difference in the situation or our lives. Carrying a grudge is also similar to dwelling on the past. It is not worth it. Practice the art of forgiveness and accept life the way it is. You'll feel way more peaceful that way. Let go of your anger, and the world is yours. 

Personal Note

These are some of the few quotes from Buddha's teachings whose meaning can help us navigate a positive life. A healthy reminder would be to understand the meaning behind Buddha's teachings and apply them in your style. Because at the end of the day, It is your life.