Site First, Floor Plans Later If you haven't chosen a site for your dream home yet, hold off on design since your floor plan depends on the site's size and shape.
Less Really Is More: No Spend Living Room Revamp Speak of re-decorating a living room and the first thing that comes to mind is the expense, Here are some ideas to make your room look fresh.
BATHTUB OR SHOWER? Which Works In Your Bathroom Do you need a hot power shower in the morning to wake up, or do you look forward to your weekend soak in the tub to de-stress?
Modify An Architectural Stock Plan For Your Lifestyle Buying an architectural plan online can save money compared to a custom plan. You can modify a stock plan to fit your lifestyle.
Painting Wood - A Ready Reckoner Painting wood is different from walls since wood absorbs paint. Follow the steps below for perfect results. Detailed process included.
Sofa-holic! How to Shop For the Right Sofa Finding the perfect sofa can be tough with so many options. Use these tips to choose one that's comfortable, stylish, and durable.
Ways To Clock It! Decorating With Clocks A timepiece is essential in every home. Instead of a dull clock, choose one that enhances your decor and sparks conversation.