Air Conditioning Repair: 7 Signs Your AC Needs Servicing

Identify key signs of AC trouble before it fails. Discover how to spot and address issues in your air conditioning system swiftly with our guide.

Air Conditioning Repair: 7 Signs Your AC Needs Servicing

Your air conditioning system can exhibit tell-tale signs that it needs repair. But often, you may miss them if you are distracted with other responsibilities or are simply unfamiliar with a faulty AC unit that needs fixing. It will soon stop working when left unaddressed, so you need to learn how to tell if your AC needs servicing.

An air conditioning system is an essential appliance in just about any house. It is beneficial not only during the hot months but all year round. It helps keep your home comfortable so you can enjoy a better quality of life in your private living space.

Therefore, be a responsible owner by ensuring that it always functions optimally. The moment you notice or encounter any of the following seven signs, you need to contact a trusted maintenance company to perform professional air conditioning repair.

1. The flow of air is too weak.

Your AC’s airflow varies slightly depending on when somebody last changed its air filter. Be aware that debris can accumulate in the filters and vents, obstructing airflow. Thus, hiring HVAC experts to change the air filter and clean the ducts regularly is highly recommended. But if you still experience weak airflow after doing this, the problem may be associated with the blower.

2. Air coming out of the AC is not as cold as before.

When the weather is too hot, the AC system is your go-to solution as it releases cool air. But once you notice that the air it produces is not as cold as before or it now takes a while to release cool air, this is a sign that it needs servicing. The solution may be to refill the coolant. Otherwise, it will most likely require a more extensive fix because its compressor has failed.

3. There is leakage or moisture near or around your AC system.

Two things could cause leakage or moisture from your AC system.

  • First, the drain tube is either broken or blocked. Although this is not a severe issue, you must still deal with it quickly because it can lead to other problems, such as mold growth. Remember, mold can put your health, and your family’s health, at risk.
  • Second, the fluid could be the refrigerant. If so, this is a serious problem because this causes damage to your unit and the household. For instance, the compressor can work under stress and overtime if there is a low level of refrigerant. Moreover, you may experience irritation and dryness once it comes in contact with your skin. In more serious cases, contact could result in asphyxiation or even death if you inhale the chemicals.

You need to call air conditioning repair specialists to deal with the AC immediately. In addition, make sure to open the windows and stay outside of the house until the AC unit is fixed.

4. Your energy bills are gradually increasing each month.

If an air conditioning unit is not functioning well, it consumes lots of energy to compensate for such failure. If you notice that the bills you pay each month are gradually increasing, despite shifting to energy-efficient windows and doors, your AC may be the culprit.

5. An unpleasant smell is coming out from your AC unit.

The air that comes out from your air conditioning units must be refreshing. Any foul or pungent smell may be caused by burnt wire insulation. But if you smell something musty, this could mean that mold has grown along the ductwork or inside your unit.

6. You hear strange sounds.

High-quality air conditioning units run quietly. Thus, something is wrong if you can hear grinding, grating, or squealing sounds from your AC system.

A squealing sound, for instance, indicates that a metal component needs to be lubricated or the belt is out of place. A grinding sound, on the other hand, means that the motor's bearings are broken. Ignoring these strange sounds can lead to a costly breakdown.

7. Your AC has a faulty thermostat.

The thermostat is considered the AC's command center. It constantly measures the room's temperature and informs the unit how much cool air to produce. If you notice that rooms in your house have different temperatures, this means that the thermostat isn't functioning properly.

Save Your AC with Regular Servicing and Repair

You must get a trusted AC repair company to inspect your unit every year to ensure that your air conditioning system won't suffer from any of these issues. A diagnostic inspection usually includes a visual inspection of your unit and all its components, a leak test, a dye detection test, a complete system performance test, and system control tests. These assessments are imperative because they will help extend the life of your unit as well as prevent any costly repairs later on.

And if, upon inspection, your AC unit does need repair, make sure to work with a reputable AC repair professional so you can be assured that your appliance is in good hands. Remember, not all AC repair professionals are the same. Ideally, work with technicians specializing in AC maintenance and repairs, with an excellent track record and a reputation for delivering quality services on time.