5 Fun and Interesting Ways to Organize your BookShelf!

An organizing trick of any kind will not only provide you with the best of ways to keep your place neat and tidy but will also render a certain sense of aestheticness.

A flawless book organizing method will not just enable you to make your reading space more attractive but will also make it effective. In terms of getting your favorite book right next to where you want it to be or in terms of arranging them according to their genre, we got you covered.

Readers Know the Importance of a Well-Organized Bookshelf

You share a significant emotional bond with some books, we all get it. Organizing your favorite reads shouldn’t actually be a complicated task at all. And if you ever thought that it is, then we are here to the rescue. Down below we have listed some of the best hacks to actually make your shelf look like an enticing library of Alexandria.

1. Flex your Favorite Reads First:

We all have some books which are really close to our hearts. They help us in finding comfort when it is most uncomfortable, loving ourselves just a little more gently than we do; all in all, these books act as a pathway to the sublime- to a world only we can find unexplained meaning in. Pick those books up asap and line them up on your shelf. In the times of your greatest need, you don’t have to go looking for them at random places, they would be here, right in front of you. Patiently waiting for you to pick them up.

2. Separate Fiction from Non-Fiction:

This is, of course, one of the traditional ways of organizing books. Libraries of various stature use this method in segregating the books. It has its fair share of advantages. It becomes easier to take out books based on your preferences. When organizing, separate books based on their nature, look out for all the non-fiction books and add them to the other corner on the shelf. Simple. If fiction gives you more butterflies than non-fiction then make sure you always add them to the top shelf.

3. Organize them Based on their Size and Length:

Books come in different sizes and colors. And you can take advantage of that when organizing your bookshelf. Just take out books that are a little taller/thicker compared to their counterparts and line them up accordingly. Following this method will help you in making your room look more academic; giving off all that Hogwarts library vibe (Hermonie would be happy). This type of organizing is more popular and is followed by the current status quo.

4. Divide between hardcovers and paperbacks:

Usually, it doesn’t matter if you mix them up and arrange them on your shelf. Only that, this might lead your shelf to look a little too occupied and a little less magical. If you are a person who prefers less clutter and a more systematized way. Then this method can be particularly rewarding. Just take out all the hardcovers from your collection and place them on the next part of the shelf. You are even free to add some colorful glasses or ceramic bowls for the sake of aesthetics.

5. Stack em’, that will also do:

Stacking is just one way of making your shelf look more full and attractive. This is a simple yet efficient way to render your shelf a look you have been waiting to give for so long. Just arrange the books like you always do, except, this time, organize them both vertically and horizontally. Try this method out and we are sure you will have fun doing it!

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