10 simple ways to reduce your electricity bill at home in summers.
Implement these simple energy-saving practices to reduce your monthly utility bills and make a positive impact on the planet. Read on to know more.

As Benjamin Franklin said, 'A penny saved is a penny earned.' The same can be applied to electricity - every watt saved is a watt earned. By implementing simple energy-saving practices in your home, you can not only save money on your monthly utility bills but also do your part in protecting the environment and prolonging the life of your appliances. So let's see what tips can save your bills.
1.Reduce standby consumption

If you don't turn off the main switch the device is connected to, you will continue to pay for the standby power. So make sure to switch off the setup box, switch off the tv from the switch, not just remote.
2. Unplug chargers

We all have a bad habit of removing our phones from the charger without first turning it off and unplugging them from the switch. But very few know that electrical energy may be wasted as a consequence of this. So make it a practice to unplug it and switch it off. Not just chargers either, but also other electronic gadgets like lamps that don't require regular energy usage.
3. Set AC temperature in 20s

This is one of the most important tip to get a drastic decrease in your bill. But how? Let's see.
Always keep your AC's temperature between 22 to 25. Keeping an AC temperature constantly below 20 is utter wastage of electricity, at least in India. Using temperature 23 or 24, with ceiling fan on is the perfect and can cool your rooms as required.
4. Maintain your appliances

Check to see if the devices are in excellent shape; if not, have them serviced right away. Regular maintenance extends the life of the electrical appliance while also reducing your energy cost. Particularly ACs, the cooling is frequently hindered and results in energy loss because of the dirt on the screen. Old AC models also use a lot of energy, so replacing an old AC model is preferable than spending higher power costs.
5. Placing refrigerator rightly and setting right temperature

If your refrigerator has an energy-saver (anti-sweat) switch, it should be on during the summer and off during the winter.
Place your refrigerator at a distance of 3 inches from the wall to leave space for air circulation. Also, it should not be located near the stove, dishwasher, or heat vents or exposed to direct sunlight. Check to be sure that airflow around your refrigerator is not obstructed because refrigerators throw out heat and this heat needs to escape. If you don’t let the heat go away its efficiency will reduce, hence leading to more electricity consumption.
Adjust temperature settings for different seasons.
Summers- The ideal temperature range for the refrigerator is between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit (3 to 4 degrees Celsius). You may need to lower the temperature slightly to maintain this range during hot weather.
Winters- Adjust the temperature settings to a slightly warmer range, around 40 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 5 degrees Celsius).
Spring and fall- Adjust your refrigerator's temperature settings to maintain the ideal temperature range of 37 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (3 to 4 degrees Celsius).
6. Don't stuff your fridge full

Since we are aware of how sweltering summers can be, the majority of our food is kept in the refrigerator. But if we overfill the refrigerator, it will become less efficient, particularly if we retain the large containers, which use more energy to cool down.
You can try keeping food items in stainless steel and durable yet lightweight glass vessels, which won't significantly affect the performance of the refrigerator. Plastics can also be used, but they are not regarded as a secure alternative because they pose numerous health risks. Also, don't neglect to occasionally sanitise your refrigerator.
Defrost food by putting it in the refrigerator the night before you want to use it. This will cool the refrigerator down and reduce its power consumption.
7. Use energy efficient appliances

What are energy efficient appliances?
Energy efficient appliances are devices that use less energy to perform the same function as their traditional counterparts. They are designed to reduce energy consumption and save you money on your energy bills, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and your carbon footprint.
Buy energy efficient appliances particularly 4 or 5 rated appliances . We are aware that they might cost a little bit more than other appliances, but the money spent is worthwhile considering the money you will save on your electricity bill. Additionally, purchasing it is a long-term investment, so consider carefully.
8. Switch to LED lights

What are LED lights?
LED stands for "Light Emitting Diode," which is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it. LED lights are a type of lighting technology that uses these diodes to produce light.
LED lights have a longer lifespan and are more energy efficient than conventional incandescent or fluorescent lights. They can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent lights and can use up to 80% less energy, which reduces the need for regular bulb replacements and significantly increases energy savings. So switch to LED lights to save your bills.
9. Change your habits

There are few habits we need to change in order to reduce our bills. All of us have this habit of keeping TV switched on in the background while we are busy using our phones and laptops. So it’s time we make it a habit to switch off the TV while we are already surfing on our other device.
Some of us also have this habit of not closing the door of the refrigerator until we are done using the item we took out of the refrigerator. So get rid of this habit and close the refrigerator immediately as you pick the item out.
10. Use natural air and light

Do you typically leave your drapes open during the day? You should stop doing that because daytime and early natural light is more than enough to keep your space bright. Additionally, air dry your hair and clothing. Avoid using appliances that add to your energy expenses and are bad for the environment as well as your clothes and hair.
As a result, it is clear that saving money on expenses and the environment doesn't require much work. But what exactly is holding us back? the cause of which is our negligent and sluggish conduct. But now is the time to make endeavors, no matter how tiny. We must economise energy and protect the environment, but even if you don't care about the environment, at least consider cutting back on your spending.
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