If you have zero space and no green thumb to speak of you can still grow these easy plants! The plus with growing herbs that are appropriately in a proper place.
Tired of reading articles and advice about growing rosemary and parsley in your kitchen garden? After all, who among us is making pot roast or pasta everyday? Traditional Indian cooking needs traditional Indian flavors, if you have zero space and no green thumb to speak of you can still grow these easy plants! The plus with growing herbs that are appropriately suited to a tropical climate is that they thrive and will reward you with bursts of flavor in your food and they have medicinal benefits as well.
Herbs grown in a kitchen

Have a little kitchen garden to boast with these 5 ultimate go-local herbs that can easily be grown in your own backyard or balcony, both useful and pretty!
Mint is very easy to grow, and once it takes root it is quite prolific. It is recommended that you grow it in a pot otherwise it is invasive and can take over your green patch. Mint will reward you with pots full of lush, flavorful green leaves that will make the freshest of chutneys, and brighten up your yogurt!
Mint is a prolific herb
All you need is to sprinkle a few whole coriander seeds from your kitchen in a window box with pots or a pot on a sunny window sill. Soon you'll see little shoots of coriander that can be plucked and used as a garnish for your food. Dress up a kitchen window with pots of assorted herbs, you'll have fresh herbs close by to pluck as and when you need and you'll green up your kitchen window.
Coriander can be grown in a pot

Curry Leaf
The curry plant is not a herb but we've included it in this list because it is widely used in Indian cooking and easy to grow at home. Buy a medium sized curry leaf plant (at least two feet tall) if you want to use the leaves right away as it is a slow growing plant and you will not be able to pluck the leaves of a small plant. Place the plant in a medium sized pot in a sunny location in your balcony or garden. A wonderful addition to any kitchen garden, this plant loves the heat and well drained soil, and will reward you with fronds of fragrant green leaves that look good and taste wonderful.
Curry leaves add incredible flavor to food

Ajwain (Carom)
The ajwain plant is very easy to grow and is equally good to look at. You could grow it as a hedge in a small garden as it is quite prolific and fills up really fast, but be careful as it can overrun other plants. Most people will not be able to differentiate the ajwain plant from other ornamentals in a garden, so you can actually use it as an ornamental foliage plant and in your food. The beautiful ridged leaves of the ajwain plant are edible and an easy home remedy for tummy upsets. Add to raita and chop into salads for a herby, fresh taste or chew a few leaves for an instant natural mouth freshener!
Ajwain or carom is a digestive

Tulsi (Holy Basil)
The tulsi plant is found in many Indian homes and is renowned for its medicinal properties. Tulsi plants like ample light but grow best with indirect sunlight and may shrivel and wilt in direct sun. Tulsi is a flavorful addition to tea and long considered a home remedy for a sore throat. The anti bacterial properties of tulsi are scientifically proven! Try a crushed leaf of tulsi on a stinging insect bite for home grown, natural relief!
Holy Basil or Tulsi is great for a sore throat and in hot tea

You'll never send out for a bunch of coriander or curry leaves again! All you need is five pots of rich healthy soil and these 5 plants are incredibly easy to grow, a little water and ample sun is all they need to flourish.There really is nothing like food with a sprinkle of fresh coriander from your own kitchen garden!