Bathroom 101 – Sink Styles to Keep Your Bathrooms in Fashion
Bathroom 101 is a series of articles on bathroom remodeling. Find all the info you need to remodel your bathroom successfully!

If you've decided to remodel yourbathroom, we have all the information for you to do it right, right here! Bathroom101 is series of articles on bathroom remodeling that deconstructs theessential elements that make up your bathroom. From the tap to the sink to thetub, all you need to know to make an informed decision!
We start with the various and variedstyles of sinks available in the market to choose from, which one is perfect foryou?

A pedestal sink
Apedestal sink has the sink bowl on top of a column or pedestal which rests onthe floor of the bathroom and may act as a support for the sink. Pedestal sinksare perfect for small bathrooms as they take up very little space. Thedownside is the lack of counter or storage space on the sink surface and below.Pedestal sinks are best combined with a wall mounted mirror cabinet so yourbathroom essentials are easily accessible.

A console sink, ismounted atop a console table-like top and the space between the table-like legsis used for storage shelves and display space. They are a perfect choice formodern bathrooms, a combination of convenience and interesting decor.
Wall-hung sinks

A wall mounted sink
Thesesinks are identical to pedestal inks but without the pedestal that rests on thefloor. If you prefer clear floor space this is the option for you especially ifyour bathroom is small.

A counter-top sink
Countertop sink sits entirely on top of your bathroom counter. They are a modern non-traditional choice and spare your counter from being custom cut to fit a sink into it. Countertop sinks are usually shallow so as to not add excess height above the counter level and thus promote ease of use for all members of the family. If you are opting for a countertop style you can consider lowering the height of the bathroom counter to accommodate it. Also, countertop sinks require taller faucets or wall-mounted faucets, to compensate for the added height.

An unusual vessel sink
A vessel sink sits on the countertop, so it is essentially a countertop sink but is differentiated by its design, material, shape, etc. Vessel sinks can make interesting focal points for bathroom decor and are often made of custom-painted porcelain, colored glass or precious stone. Vessel sinks are currently in vogue with interior designers as they make a striking statement in the decor of the bathroom.
Integrated sinks

An integrated sink
As the name implies the sink edge integrates itself into the countertop to present a flat surface, with no jut-out or variation in levels. This kind of sink is mounted level with a counter that is custom cut to its size. Modern-day integrated sinks come seamlessly molded into pre-fabricated counter surfaces of varying sizes, essentially as one piece. Integrated sinks have no joints between surfaces making them easy to keep clean.

A self-rimmimg sink
These are the most commonly used sinks; they have wide edges that rest on the countertop and support the weight of the sink. The bowl of the sink descends below the level of the counter.

An under-counter sink
The type of sink fits under the bathroom counter. To mount an under-counter sink the counter has to be custom cut to the size of the sink and the edges of the counter are visible even after the sink is installed. Under counter sinks are good choices for counters made of expensive stone that can be polished and finished beautifully. Stone counters will benefit from the surface material of the sink not showing at the counter surface level.

A bathroom vanity
Abathroom vanity combines many elements within it like the faucet, sink, storage,a mirror, etc. Essentially a vanity is a combination of these installed into a furniture like design element for your bathroom. Vanities canbe custom made to any design or style you require, from the ultra modern to thetraditional, take your pick. Vanities can also be wall mounted or rest on the floor.Depending on the space you have in the bathroom, a vanity can be large andluxurious or compactly contemporary and modern.
Thislist broadly covers a range of sinkstyles to help you decide on the one for your bathroom.
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