Less Really Is More: No Spend Living Room Revamp
Speak of re-decorating a living room and the first thing that comes to mind is the expense, Here are some ideas to make your room look fresh.

Speak of re-decorating a living room and the first thing that comes to mind is the expense, but what if all you need is what you have already? Then there really is no need to spend mega bucks to revamp your living room. Here are some No Spend ideas to make your room look fresh and good as new!
The first and most effective way to redesign a living room is to start with de-cluttering. Make sure that everything in your living room is of use, has an element of beauty and you love having it around. In case it fails to meet these criteria, let it go and make way for newer and better things.
After removal of unnecessary items
Light And Airy
Nothing dresses up a room better than natural light. When there is an organic flow of light and breeze, it changes the energy of the room. Re-position the mirrors to reflect more light into all corners of your living room. Make sure you allow at least 10 minutes of natural air inside the house to cleanse indoor air.

Remove blinds and curtains to allow natural light into the room
Rearrange Furniture
It’s your living room not an army camp and there is no need to push the the furniture against the walls! Create a more intimate and welcoming setting by grouping furniture together, it will also create a fresh look for the decor of the living room.

Before & after images of a room after the furniture has been rearranged
Editing a room is different from de-cluttering it. Essentially editing a room encourages you to evaluate each object in the room. If there is an object in the room that you love but does very little decor-wise, then it's time for it to go. Enjoy the beauty of empty space. Resist the urge to stuff every corner or hang something on every wall. Subtract a few things and see if opening up a space creates the effect you desire.

Keeping the decor minimal by keeping only necessary items
Go Natural
Add organic elements like vegetables and fruits for a splash of color in your living room. Be innovative, use a single floating flower in a vase as opposed to a bouquet. You can also place potted plants around a room for a splash of green.

Greens and plants to add natural color to the decor of the room
Hang Art In Unexpected Ways
Try unusual and innovative ways to hang wall art and you will be surprised with the results. You can use a painting as a focal point for a room or try inventive ways to hang photographs to break the monotony of a single theme in a room.

Wooden branch used to hang family pictures
Reorganize Lighting
Living room lighting should brightly illuminate the entire room if needed, or selectively highlitght corners and decor accents like paintings, and when required create an atmosphere. If your lighting is not versatile enough to pass this test, reorganize it. Consider moving versatile elements like floor lamps, lamps with dimmers. As for fixed focus lighting and ambient light fixtures, take a close look at the kind of bulbs (white light or yellow light) and the wattage (for brightness of light), you are using for a better lit living space.

Use of spot lighting to illuminate specific spots
DIY With Old Fabric
Have an old sheet that you just cannot throw away because of the beautiful print? It may be perfect if converted into covers for your sofa cushions. Floral prints, stripes or gingham are fun for the summer, you can mix and match patterns and color for added interest.

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