HomeTriangle Guides: Navigating Bathroom Design - Avoid Bathroom Blunders


Your bathroom is a place where you can relax after a hard days work, soak away stress or treat your tired muscles to a power shower. Avoiding these common design mistakes will transform your bathroom into your intimately personal unwind space.

Your bathroom is one of the more personal and private rooms in your home. It is so much more than tiles, sanitary-ware and accessories; it’s a place where you can relax after a hard days work, soak away stress or treat your tired muscles to a power shower. Avoiding these common design mistakes will transform your bathroom into your intimately personal unwind space. 

A Common Theme In the Fixtures

While your living room may be a big hit with eclectic furniture and mix-and-match accents, your bathroom will look like one big mess with differing styles of hardware. Choosing varying styles is a common mistake  and easily avoided with some forethought. If you are planning on using modern chrome bathroom fittings, make sure that your taps, shower heads, drains, tower rails etc. are all chrome too. 

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The fixtures on the sink and the tub match

Ample Storage

Homeowners can sometimes be so focused on bathroom fixtures and accessories that they completely forget to include adequate storage for toiletries and linen in the bathroom design. A lack of storage will result in your having to cart around your towels and toiletries every time you take a shower.

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A Bathroom storage closet

The Right Tile

Not all tiles are suitable for the bathroom. Marble tile may be glamorous but if it’s not treated for use in a wet environment the expensive marble will end up stained and pockmarked. Because marble is a soft, absorbent stone, you’ll have to keep dyes, lotions, toiletries and other harsh cleaning agents, like cleaning acid, away from your marble. In comparison, porcelain or ceramic tiles are a higher density than soft stone and do not absorb water or other chemicals, making them a hardier choice for bathrooms.

Insufficient Light

Another common mistake in bathroom design is insufficient and improper lighting. You might not think much about it at first, but having your bathroom dimly lit will definitely create problems if you use the bathroom to shave or apply makeup. Lighting also needs to be correctly placed and focused near mirrors, and in wet areas, to prevent accidents.

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Note the lights above the mirror and near the shower cubicle

A Lack Of Ventilation

Ventilation is often overlooked while designing a bathroom. An exhaust fan will prevent the build up of moisture and odour in your bathroom. Although odour is embarrassing it will not damage your bathroom, moisture will. Installing a good exhaust system will ensure your bathroom is not a breeding ground for mold and mildew that may be a health hazard. Excess moisture can also cause damage to your fixtures and any wood-work in the bathroom.

Hide The WC!

Stating the obvious- the WC should not be the first thing you see when you enter the bathroom, nor should you be able to spot it from other rooms when the bathroom door is open. Take into account privacy, aesthetics and hygiene when you decide where to situate the toilet.

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The shower cubicle is made of tempered glass and the toilet is hidden behind the wall the the sink is placed on

Not So Glassy

With shower cubicles in vogue, many homeowners err and use ordinary glass to fabricate a shower cubicle. While the use of glass will make your bathroom look more spacious, ordinary glass can shatter easily, make sure you use tempered glass that will not shatter if you happen to bump into it.

Price Vs Quality

The old adage, 'penny wise pound foolish', comes to mind when homeowners in the middle of a costly remodel are tempted to cut corners by choosing cheaper materials. Keep in mind that your bathroom goes from hot to cold to steamy many times a day and inappropriate but cheaper materials will show damage and wear and tear much faster. Do your research before you choose fittings and fixtures, and remember compromising on quality may result in expensive repairs and replacements in the long run.

Good bathroom design and the right materials will help create an easy to maintain, personal sanctuary for you to relax in and enjoy!



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