Moving can be a very stressful thing, both emotionally and physically. Just imagine the mounting pile of boxes and all the things that can break in the hullabaloo - maybe that favorite vase or that retro piggy bank? To avoid all the stress and trauma, proper planning and
some professional help can go a long way.
Things to do Before Packing
Clean your house:
Dust down things and wash all clothes. Keep everything neat and clean to make packing easy.
Before you begin packing, purge! Throw out anything unnecessary. If you are someone who cannot throw things out easily, sort things by the date that you used them last. Separate everything that hasn't been used in the last six months. Most of them in that stack can go out.
Categorize Stuff:
Give each item a category and each box a label. Make sure the right things are going in each box. This makes unpacking a cake-walk!
Get Boxes, Tapes and Scissors:
Once you are done stuffing your house into cardboard boxes, you'll have to tape everything up neatly and add a list of the items in the box on the top using a polythene envelope. This way you know what's in the box without ruining your packing. So get the weapons ready.

Call your Friends, or a Moving Company
Now that you know what to do, ask your friends to share the load for a pizza and some beer or call a moving company!
While Packing
Tackle one room after the other:
Packing is an easy process after the above steps. Tackle one room after the other and do not mix up stuff. It is a wise idea to sort things into boxed depending on the rooms available in the house that you are moving to.
Pack Essentials in the end:
You'll need a few things till just before you leave and immediately after you move. Pack such things in the end so you are not fumbling through packed boxes for these things.
Label Each box before/after closing it:
Labeling is essential during a move. Along with the label, number the boxes so there is a count if you are missing something.

Handle things with care:
A house not just full of possessions, but of memories too. Keep things intact by handling them carefully and wrapping them neatly.
Unpack Essentials first
Remember the essentials box that you packed in the end? Unpack it first! you'll need it before you go digging into other boxes.
Your Furniture comes next:
After you unpack the essentials, move on to your furniture. You'll want to rest your back in between and you'll thank me later for this suggestion later.
Do not cook:
If someone talks about cooking after a move, put the restaurant expense on them! Trust me, you'll thank me for this suggestion too. That's what take outs and deliveries are made for. Order food and take a break from all the unpacking.
Have fun:
Last but not the least, think of moving as a paid vacation where you are stuck at home playing treasure hunt. Relive your fond memories and make the new house a home!