HomeTriangle Guides: Things Needed to Be Cleaned Regularly But Ignored


Nobody loves to clean, except the quirky ones. But there are innumerable places that we ought to clean, that we don’t even think of; we just take them for granted.

ThingsThat Should Be Cleaned Regularly But Are Ignored.

Microbiologists show us where the germs are most concentrated. The list includes places where we don’t have direct skin contact.

It’s ironic that in our enthusiasm for cleanliness and hygiene, we wash, dust, and rub everywhere except the places where viruses, bacteria hang out the most. Nobody loves to clean, except the quirky ones, and we all rush through the job and ease our conscience by cleaning the obvious and routine things. But there are innumerable places that we don’t even think of; we just take them for granted.

Listed here are at least 15 places that warrant frequent attention. They could be the reason why you are susceptible to colds and coughs or why your daughter was down with avian fever last month. If you have a maid, make certain that these places are included in her cleaning itinerary.

Things Needed to Be Cleaned Regularly But Ignored

                                                                      Cleaning what we never think of

Computer Keyboards:

You might frequently dust your desktop system and even the keyboard, if it does not have a cover. What we don’t realize is that even if it does, germs thrive under the cover because we transfer them whenever we are typing. And if it’s a shared computer, you are sharing more than just the system. So, it’s important to clean the keyboard at least every month or so. In order to clean it, tilt it to shake out the loose debris nestled between the keys. Then use an alcohol swab or other disinfectant and wipe it thoroughly. You can even spray the keyboard with compressed air.

Computer Keyboards

                                                                   Go between the keys

2.      TV Remote and Gaming Console:

Yes, this is another item that is neglected on clean-up day, though it also has a repertoire of bacteria and viruses. Your entire family uses it and regularly deposits and spreads germs on it. Sick kids are prone to lie on the couch in front of the TV, and your remote would be full of germs. And if they love gaming, think of the console too.  Disinfect the remote and gaming console the same way you clean the keyboard. For a more thorough job, you can also disassemble both the objects and clean the circuits. Again, compressed air would be a good option.

TV Remote and Gaming Console

                                                               Deep cleaning the remote

3.     Dishwasher:

Yes, wash the washer. Because if you don't, it will stop washing properly. The cleaning grime on your dishes can leave deposits, which can interfere with a dishwashing session. The best way to clean your machine is to remove the bottom rack of the washer and clear the drain. Then fill a container that can withstand a full cycle with one cup of white vinegar, set it on the top rack, and begin a washing cycle. Afterwards, sprinkle baking soda along the bottom of the machine and let it go through a hot water cycle. If mold is a problem, add some bleach.


                                                            Cleaning the cleaner


4.      Phones:

Do you clean your phone? The odds are that you won't. It probably hasn’t ever occurred to you. But it is just another place where bacteria and viruses hang out. And your entire family uses this germinated device. The same is true of mobile phones, which are used much more than land lines. So how do you clean your phone? Use an antiseptic or alcohol swab to clean the exterior. Like other keyboard devices, pay attention to the spaces between the keys. And while you’re cleaning your mobile, why not even clean the interior, after removing the SIM card and battery?


                                                                 Keep your phone clean


5.     TrashCan:

Your trash can is a kitchen object that should be cleaned on a regular basis but is often overlooked. It is the dirtiest and stenchiest part of your house. The bug-infested receptacle stands in such close proximity to the places where you cook and store food. Use any cleaning agent you like, but wash and clean your trash can at least every two months. The first session may be messy, but subsequent clean-ups will not require it. Also, avoid grime build-up on the exterior of the trash can. This can lead you to more frequent washing sessions if you want to keep your kitchen relatively free of germs.


                                                     The dirtiest place in the house


6.     YourPurse:

Admit it, you treat your handbag like a catch-all receptacle, and what’s more, you love just dumping things inside at random. Remember how you have to dig deep into it and shuffle around the whole gamut of things to get at one normally-sized item? Well, the least you could is give it some TLC. Your fingers and hands will also collect fewer germs. You need to clean your purse at least once a month and this is how you do it: Dump out all the contents, pull the fabric inside out and give it the lint roller treatment.The roller will grab all the dust and debris. You can clean leather with a soft cloth.


                                                              Clean your purse inside out

7.     Make-upBrushes:

Your make-up brush extracts thousands of germs from your skin every day and with each use. Then it usually sits at the bottom of your makeup box till you remove it the next day, when it deposits more germs on your face, eyes, and nose. You wipe excess oil and dirt back into your skin. It's a wonder you don’t have breakouts and rashes. You may also damage the hair of the brush, which might irritate your skin when applied. What you should do is dip it in a solution of warm water and baby shampoo. Wash it and wipe it clean or simply rinse.


                                                Cleaning brushes to protect your skin


8.     KitchenSink Drain Pipe:

Washing the kitchen sink regularly and keeping it spotless while neglecting the drain pipe is like the junk in your storage cabinet, which looks very elegant from the outside. A de-clogging wire or rod is at best a temporary solution. Keep your drain open with an easy homemade solution.Pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain. Follow it up with half a cup of vinegar and a few drops of lemon juice. Let the combination work for a few minutes while you clean something else. Now rinse the drain pipe with hot water. These kitchen ingredients are much easier on your pipes than chemical-based agents. Do this once a month.

KitchenSink Drain Pipe

                                                             There's an easy 'solution'


9.     Bathmats:

Just think about it. How often do you wipe your feet on the bath mat? Daily? Consider how many germs you grind into it on a daily basis. Not to mention the germs that are transferred into your skin pores. To keep it clean, shake it off regularly and make it a customary item in your laundry. If you have any qualms about washing a bath mat with ordinary clothes, you can wash it manually first. Whatever you do, just remember to scrub it off with a brush on both sides before washing. This will remove the dirt ordinary washing cannot. Then let it air out and dry.


                                                     Wash bath mats periodically


10.  Doorknobs, Handles and Switches:

Every appliance in your house has a handle. Your doors have handles and doorknobs. You switch lights and fans on and off repeatedly. These are all touched multiple times every day.Even when our hands and fingers are not at their cleanest. And because these objects are never cleaned, they keep on collecting germs and dust, which are again transferred to and from our skin every time they are touched. First, identify all such objects in your house. Then dab a washcloth with a disinfectant and wipe them all clean to remove the dirt and germs. Do this at least once a month.

Doorknobs, Handles and Switches

                                                                         Clean the small fry


11.  Washing Machine:

Now, if you’re going to clean your dishwasher, can your clothes washer be left out? Your washing machine always does a good cleaning job, and retains all the grime and germs that did not drain away.Hence apart from building up the washed away dirt and germs, your machine also grows mould. This could also interfere with the performance of the machine in the longer run. Hence rinse your washing machine but running it through a hot water cycle every month. You can use your normal washing powder or any other suitable cleaning agent.

Washing Machine

                                                         Clean for tip top operation


12.  Blankets:

So why don’t we wash our blankets as often as we wash the bed linen? Do they get less dirty than the bed sheets and pillow covers? The answer is that they get dirtier than the bedlinen for the simple reason that they are never washed. And if you think you cannot wash blankets, think again. You can wash them in the washing machine just like your other laundry, unless your blanket tag specifically forbids it. Blankets should be washed at least once a week if you use them directly over your body, every other week if there is a sheet between you and the blank.


                                              Don't cover yourself with a dirty blanket


13.  Shower Curtains:

Nowadays, there are shower curtains in many Indian homes. They get splattered daily with soap scum when each member of your family has his or her morning shower. That makes it a breeding ground for mold and mildew, where bacteria and viruses thrive. Hence, you have discovered another item that you probably never thought of cleaning. You can wash fabric curtains along with your other laundry. Plastic or vinyl curtains you will have to remove and spray it with a cleaner; them scrub it off and wash it in cold water. Then put it to dry. You should do it as often as required and replace your shower curtain every now and then.

Shower Curtains

                                              Wash shower curtains in the machine


14.  Couches:

Many women neglect to clean their couches entirely or do not do it thoroughly. Granted, couches can be tricky to broom or vacuum.But that does not mean they should not be given that treatment. It is the repository of your clothes dirt, pet fur and body oils. Before you start cleaning, check your cover tag for cleaning instructions. To clean them effectively vacuum the whole surface and cushions. If the cushions are removable, vacuum under them as well. Spots should be wiped with a cotton swab and detergent and scratched off with a bristle brush. Also, wipe down the exposed hard surfaces. Wood couches should be polished at least once a year.


                                                       Tricky, but needs to be done


15.  Inside of Your Car:

Your husband probably has the household car serviced regularly, but that doesn’t include cleaning the interior. Again, the inside oft he car accumulates such a lot of dust and grime because we don’t clean it.What you should do is wipe the dashboard every week with a disinfectant to eradicate the germs you car A/C deposits there. Leather seat covers can be wiped clean while upholstered covers should be given a good vacuuming. Beware of dirty cup holders if your car has them; they can be teeming with germs as viruses and their ilk gravitate towards the food and drink residue.

Inside of Your Car

                                                              It's a living space too






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