HomeTriangle Guides: Why Do You Need An Interior Designer For Your Home?


An interior designer will assist in refining your tastes and help create a beautiful home in a timely manner. Here are some ways an interior designer actually helps you.

How do I finish redecorating before the festive season? There's a wedding in the family, how to spruce up my home? Or a new home, a complete blank slate, where to start? The answer to all of these questions is to hire an interior designer. Someone to assist in refining your tastes and help create a beautiful home in a timely, organised and planned manner. When designing a living space consider many factors, here are some of them and how an interior designer actually helps you.


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We are all individual and our homes need to reflect that individuality, aren't you the best person for the job? Not necessarily true, an objective assessment of where things stand is very important, a professional is trained to see things that may not register with you and then offer multiple solutions to choose from. An interior designer can help you edit pieces in a room to retain some, discard others and add a few to create a new, more vibrant space.

Personal Taste

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Color used effectively in an all white room

If you tend towards beiges and off-whites, left to your own devices you may end up with an entire home done-up in dull tones without even realizing it till you are finished! Similarly ethnic or kitsch themed homes tread a fine line between over the top and perfect! An interior designer will help curb your excesses. Whether in choice of interior themes, color, furnishings or finishes while suggesting contrast and juxtaposition to make a room pop.


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An interior designer will help you navigate everything from color choices to design 

Instead of viewing an interior designer as an added expense, consider this, an interior designer is a ready directory of resources. The best, most reasonable shop for everything from light fixtures to curtains will be on speed dial for a professional and they may be able to negotiate an additional discount for you. This will save you much time and energy, and help avoid the costly mistake of hiring the wrong people. So an interior designer may actually save you money in the long run!

Aesthetics & Beauty

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Unusual accent chairs in a vibrant red color

The professional touch can add a real 'wow' factor to your home! Adding a sculpture, a water feature, an unusual piece of furniture or an art installation may be daunting for the lay person but a professional can visualize the impact of these design elements and transform a humdrum home into a memorable one.

These are just a few ways that an interior designer can help make your home uniquely you with some added pizzaz!



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