Fun and practical ideas for kids room decor and kids bedroom interior design!

interior design bedroom

Cute and colorful kids bedroom room decor!

Childhood is a magical wonderland! Let your child spread a little of that magic in your life by incorporating child inspired bedroom interior design elements and kid friendly interior decor for other spaces in your home.

Use your kids 'art' to decorate your home

interior design for bedroom

Use your child's drawings as art

All those adorable crayon drawings that your child creates during playtime can become your very own revolving art collection! Put up a few in frames in your child's bedroom, along the stairs or a corridor, or even on the fridge. Replace with the never ending fresh supply your child creates!

Encourage physical activity and play!

interior design for home

A climbing wall is a great way to add color and interest to the underside of a stairwell  

Children today are keener on their playstations than stepping out to play. Bring in a little physical activity by installing a climbing wall in your child's bedroom. It'll add a splash of color, make for great kids room decor, and be a great indoor activity to do in the rains or when it's really hot outdoors, so much better than the television as a babysitter!

Include a tree-house in the bedroom interior design!

interior design for living room

Bring the treehouse indoors

If you live in an apartment, model your kid's bedroom interior design on a treehouse! It'll make your child's room individual and a little like a personal jungle gym if you install a small slide at one end. Note the stairs do double duty as storage drawers in the one above!

Remember the child in you!

interior design kitchen

Interesting cut out!

We've recommended wall cut outs before to keep an eye on your child while at play. This cut out takes the idea further and puts it in your file cabinet! It's a great way to connect a home office space and a play area. It's a study nook or a quiet place to read a book while your child naps. The crawl space is child friendly because it's padded, and it's such an interesting addition to your home-office and kids room decor.

Blackboard wall

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A corner wall used as a blackboard

Re-purpose an awkward corner wall by turning it into a blackboard and keep lots of colorful chalk handy. Your child gets a canvas and soon, you'll find them emulating their teachers and teaching imaginary friends!

This great interior design idea can be incorporated into a kid's bedroom decor or any other living space, and it also has the added advantage of protecting your other walls from your child's creative scribbles! A blackboard wall is fun for you too, use it to leave a message, write a recipe or make a to do list! Or use the blackboard wall for a fun family activity over the weekend like a themed art project! 

Got your hands full with the kids? Hire an interior designer to make these super fun ideas a reality today!