The Reason why Is Children's Day Celebrated?

“Children are the hands by which we take hold of Heaven”, in the truest sense when we look at children we find unique imagination and talent, their dreams of greater things in life, their will to learn and prosper. November 14, is celebrated for the joy of their existence and to spread awareness about their education and rights. Children Day is celebrated to spread awareness on children's rights and education. Their growth and development contribute to the future growth of society collectively. In hopes for them to revert on the learning and use them in future. Let us understand the significance and why children's day is celebrated on November 14th in India?

In India, Children around the country celebrate the foundation of their growth and learning. Children's Day is also known as ‘Bal Diwas’ which is celebrated to remember India’s first prime minister, honorable Jawahar Lal Nehru Ji also known as ‘Chacha Nehru’ by the children. It was in 1964 when Parliament announced 14th November as National children's day in remembrance of Nehru Ji after his death.

“Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. Only through education can a better order of society be built up” quoted by Nehru Ji, who sincerely believed that children are the foundation of a nation. Nehru Ji had a soft spot for children and always contributed to helping the children of the country. Nehru Ji wanted more and more children to have all the rights to learn and live. Children's Day is therefore celebrated on the birth anniversary of chacha Nehru spreading knowledge about their life goal. The following are some important children's rights in India:

Child Rights:

  1. Right To Survival
  2. Right To protection
  3. Right To participation
  4. Right To Development
  5. Right To Education
  6. Right To Equal Opportunities and Facilities


Children's Day around the country is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Teachers especially make games and fun gifts to inspire and spread joy to the children. This year again, due to the ongoing pandemic, celebrations will take place on zoom meetings and fun activities will revolve around virtual platforms. This year let us focus on healthy lifestyles and growth of children and make this a better world to live.