Bathroom sinks are made from avariety of materials of which vitreous china sinks are by far the most commontoday. Other materials like tempered glass, metal, stone andacrylic are also used in the manufacture of sinks and each has its advantagesand disadvantages.

We discuss the most common materials used to manufacture sinks below to help you decide which one is best suited to your lifestyle and home.


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Vitreous china sinks come in a variety of versatile shapes and colors

The most common material usedfor bathroom sinks, vitreous china is popular due to its versatility as amaterial. Vitreous china sink surfaces can come in a variety of colors to matchthe décor of your bathroom, making them a versatile choice. China is alsohighly durable, making it an ideal material for bathroom sinks. Some vitreouschina sinks can be damaged by harsh cleaning chemicals and china can also bedamaged by impact. China glazes can be scratched quite easily due to daily useand this may mar their appearance over time.


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A metal sink with a hand hammered finish

Stainless steel and coppersinks are relatively easy to clean, scratch resistant and not prone toextensive damage on impact. Metal sinks are also a natural choice for betterhygiene as metal retards the growth of many bacteria. Metal sinks come in avariety of interesting shapes, finishes and designs, from the ultra modern tothe traditional, and can be a unique element in the decor of a bathroom.

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An Unusual stone sink


A relatively newer choice ofmaterial for manufacturing sinks, acrylic sinks are a contemporary and moreavant garde choice. If your tastes run towards bold colors and accent elements thatcreate a startling focal point, acrylic is the material for you. Sinks madefrom acrylic can come in contemporary neon colors and unusual shapes.

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A bright blue acrylic sink


Glass sinks can come in swirlingcolors and bespoke designs or be sleekly transparent and contemporary. The onlycaveat with glass as a material is the probability of it chipping or crackingif used roughly. A glass sink can be a vivid splash of color in an otherwiseunderstated bathroom or be a beautiful modern contrast to traditional decor.

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A unique glass sink with a pattern of swirls


Other than the commonly usedmaterials, sinks nowadays can be made of the most unusual elements from roughlyhewn stone receptacles to lit from within molded opaque glass, the choices inthe market are endless and inexhaustible. Wood and stone are also being used inmore contemporary avatars to create unusual and eye-catching décor.

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A rough stone sink for a rustic contemporary look

While a wood sink may be asavvy style statement it may not be the perfect choice for daily rough use oreven in kids’ bathrooms. Similarly glass is an attractive choice but bettersuited for adult bathrooms because glass may crack and injure a child. Keep inmind that sinks are subjected to water at varying temperatures and sinksurfaces should be treated to withstand both heat and cold.

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An ultra modern sink that uses a combination of tempered glass and acrylic

Other than budget constraintsthe primary issues to keep in mind when choosing the appropriate material for yourbathroom sink are durability, scratch resistance, maintenance and compatibilitywith your décor choices.