Top 10 Things you Should Have On Your Kitchen Counter
While pretty things do make the space look good, the countertop is a working area and function should come first. Here's HomeTriangle’s ideas for countertop styling.

It is quite common when clutter just shows up out of nowhere in certain areas of our homes. Especially places like kitchen countertops are dumping ground for random, mislaid objects like junk mail, empty shopping bags, that omnipresent glass of unfinished milk, and spare change.

Most people like clean and skimpy countertops. We usually keep a combination of functional things and pretty items on countertops. While pretty things do make the space look more alive, the countertop is a working area and function should come first. Here are HomeTriangle’s design ideas for countertop styling that looks good and functional.
1. Kitchen Scale

A kitchen scale is a handy kitchen tool. This is a must-have tool, particularly for those who track portion sizes. There are a ton of different varieties of kitchen scales useful for baking and weight conversions in every color and, even digital ones too.
2. Herbs

Another item I love to have on my kitchen countertop is herbs such as rosemary, mint, and basil. This induces a certain general softness to the other hard surfaces in my kitchen and a pleasant fragrance. And you can snip a bit here and there for cooking too. Keep in mind to find a sunny spot on your counter and water your plant once a week.
3. Mixers
Mixers are another handy tool that deserves a spot in our house. While I do understand that an appliance garage is a must-have for most people, the color, the ease of access, and the simple engineering of a mixer alone can earn a spot in our kitchen counters. Pro tip: If you have enough space, try and create a baking corner with a mixer, measuring cups, and a rolling pin.
4. Condiment Canisters

Place the canisters for sugar and flour along with the salt and pepper shakers right on top of the counter. Glass, ceramic, or tin canisters are a better option compared to plastic. The styling details are endless, but I suggest an airtight container to keep out pests such as cockroaches and ants.
5. Coffeemaker

A coffeemaker is another power appliance that is used every day in many homes. Consider a coffee section on your counter if you are someone who drinks coffee every day.
6. Fruit Bowl

Another item that can induce some freshness and pleasant fragrance is a fruit bowl placed on your kitchen countertop. Fill it with fresh, seasonal fruits to encourage healthy snacking especially if you have children at home.
7. Cookbook Stand
Another favorite countertop accessory of many people, a book stand is a must-have on my kitchen countertop. I suggest you get something that can be used for both a hard-copy cookbook or an iPad with a recipe, preferably one made of cast iron with felt pads on the bottom to prevent scratching.
8. Silverware Caddy

We use a silverware caddy for three square meals a day and just leave it on the counter. It makes perfect sense on a countertop close to the table or dishwasher.
9. Oversized Bowl
I know this seems like a controversial idea. While it’s true that oversized bowls are hard to store sometimes, I find them very appealing. I suggest you get a really good-looking thickest bowl you can find and just leave it on the counter.
10. Toaster

Who doesn’t love toast? Another appliance that definitely has a place on my kitchen counter is a toaster placed right next to the bread drawer and a bin for a complete toasting section.