marble polishing

The elegance and luxury marble brings into any home is unparalleled to any other type of flooring. The variety of veining styles and colors that marble offers make it almost timeless in appearance. However, being a delicate and porous stone, it is notorious for its susceptibility to stains and damages. Only certain cleaning agents can be used on it without causing damages like scratches.

So, we at HomeTriangle decided to give you our professional insights into cleaning marbles without causing any damages and yet maintain that brand new look. 

1. Dry Mop

marble polishing machine

Use a dust mop frequently to prevent abrasives like sand and dirt from scratching your precious marble floors. A soft, natural, and chemical-free dust mop should be used. Ensure that the mop head is washed between uses. Vacuum’s wheels coils scratch the floor, so we don’t suggest vacuuming dust and dirt

2. Damp Mop 

marble polishing services

Acidic cleaners or really anything containing vinegar or lemon should not be used on marble floors. The acidic nature of these substances will etch the marble and leave white marks that resemble water stains. Instead, use water and a few drops of gentle PH-neutral dishwashing liquid. Ensure there is no standing water left on the floor as they will cause staining when it evaporates. 

3. Rinse And Dry 

marble polishing near me

Remove any soap residue from the floors by thoroughly mopping the floor with clean water. Use a dry mop or just your hand and dry the floors with soft clothes like microfiber.

4. How To Deal With Stains?

chemical for marble polishing

Like we talked about in the beginning, marble is a porous stone and is very susceptible to staining. So, it’s very important to clean up any spills immediately so that it doesn’t get time to set in. It’s not always a possibility to clean up spills immediately. If and when a spill gets set in, clean the stain with a cloth dipped in a solution of 12% hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. 

5. Removing Etch Marks 

marble polish and cleaner

Etch marks or dull spots caused by acids that eat away at the surface of the stone are a common issue with marble flooring. You can repair the etch marks with marble polishing powder. Wet the surface with clean water and rub the powder onto the stone in a circular motion until the mark disappears. 

6. Sealing

marble polishing in bangalor

Apply a sealer about every 2 to 3 years to extend the lifespan of your marble. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying the sealer. No sealing will make the marble stain proof, rather it makes it more resistant to staining. 

Call HomeTriangle

HomeTriangle is committed to giving our customers the best marble cleaning service from our trained and experienced professionals at an affordable price. The steps above are simple enough but a service from experienced professionals will be exponentially better compared to what we normal people can do.

Get the best marble cleaning service anywhere in India from HomeTriangle. Call us at 76 76 000 100 today.