At home it is so important to have both interiors and exterior views looks good. Else it may get us into chaos mood. Hometriangle gives some tips strategies to enhance your home life – or to make your home more attractive.

1. Conceal by planting a living screen.

Source: pinimg
Planting mature trees to block a view requires ample space, time and funds. Installing bamboo is one stylish way to conceal a building adjacent to a narrow side yard. Just make sure it’s right for you. Bamboo is often praised for its beauty and screening potential, but it can be invasive if not planted with a root barrier. 

2. Conceal with a fabric privacy screen.

Source : pinimg
Unlike with a living screen, there’s no need to wait for a fabric screen to grow to the desired height, although screens above a certain height may require a city permit. This fabric-like privacy screen has various openings that frame desirable views of the sky and trees.

3. Create a focal point with plants or sculptural art.

Source : ytimg
Completely conceal the neighbour’s home beyond the fence by installing framed mobile of hanging plants and stones to take centre stage. Now the neighbour’s home disappears into the background.

4. Frame the view with an adjustable window treatment.

Source : pekoetealounge
Like clerestory windows, the Roman shades on these windows bring in light from above while maintaining privacy. They might also help conceal an offending feature outside.

5. Another inexpensive solution is to apply a custom fabric print to the inside of the window.  Once it is applied to a window, the print is magically backlit by day and front lit by night with interior light. 

Source : globalcasechallenge