The idea of monsoon paints a pretty picture of a cushioned rocking chair by the window, a warm cuddly quilt, possibly a cup of hot chocolate or just good old masala chai, with the familiar pitter-patter melody playing in the background. When the showers actually arrive though, it’s a whole other story and all those romantic ideas go out the same window, leaving one wondering how to deal with all the moisture, the mold, the muddy footprints on the floor and the endless gloom. Not to worry though, as this time, ideas will go a long way to keep your floors dry and your spirits high!

 red leaves of a tree drenching in the rain
Source - skymetweather

1. Prepare walls and windows.

The first thing to do is to ensure your house is strong enough to face the showers. Fill up gaps and crevices in the walls or floors with Plaster of Paris or white cement until the professionals can come do their job. If you have gaps between sliding windows, line them with rubber to prevent water from seeping through.
filling gaps with cement
Source - ytimg

2. Ventilation is important

Though the idea of keeping windows and doors opened all the time during mansoon is not possible , try opening them whenever it is not raining ; that fresh air is so important to get rid of all the humidity and wetness that bring out the bad bacteria and the worse smells. Try cross ventilation wherever possible for the best results.
brown ventilator
Source - ytimg

3. Things to add in Wardrobe

Camphor, neem leaves and cloves are your clothes’ best friends when the rains come knocking. Camphor (also silica gel) is literally a sponge to moisture, neem keeps the silverfish at bay, and clove combats the insects while spreading a warm fragrance. A low voltage bulb in your shoe cupboard can give out enough warmth to fight moisture.
adding camphor balls inside clothes
Source - alicdn

4. The doorjamb may get jammed

Wood absorbs moisture, which is a bad thing if it’s what your doors are made of. Sandpapering your doors helps when they swell up in the rains and don’t fit in their frames. You could also install brass handles to open them easily in case they get jammed.

5. Safeguard your furniture

Your furniture needs regular polishing and waxing not just to keep up its lustre and shine, but also to prevent humidity build-up and subsequent termite infestation. Wrought iron furniture may need a coat of anti-rust paint, but you could also try non-scented hair oil to avoid rust.

6. Not beyond the doorstep

Keep a plastic basket or just a simple bucket in a bright colour by the door so people coming in can drop their umbrellas off along with all the water they carry. It would be a good time to get one of those rubbery doormats that don’t let any mud slip by and are still easy to clean later.
Source5 - servicemasterclean

7. A good fragrance is always a good idea

fragrant tealight
Source - fthmbc
Monsoon or otherwise, it’s always nice to have your home smelling nice. The best option for this season is aroma candles–they look good, they smell heavenly, so what’s not to like? Besides, the warm glow they cast will do a whole lot to alleviate the gloom and make home seem so much more inviting. They could also come in handy during power cuts, which might occur more often than you’d want when it rains. If you still don’t want candles, the market still has plenty of options- from room fresheners to fragrance sachets to plain old incense sticks.