Christmas is the religious and cultural celebration among billions around the world. It is that time of the year where people are thrilled to commemorate the birth of Jesus as well as welcome the new year. Excitement at its brink and we are here to give some tips on how to make your christmas party cheerful and memorable!

christmas socks decoration

(image: timereesfineart)

1) Crafting: Use old sweaters and socks, during party bring them out among family and friends. Cut them up and start crafting along with friends. In those craft items, add small candies and cookies inside them to gift.

cupcake decoration

(image: lomiraquadgraphics)

2) Cup-cake decoration: Bake cupcakes and fill the dining table with them before guests arrive. Keep the decoration items together on the table, make it easily accessible for all. Let all relatives and friends decorate them as they want. Once the cup-cakes are decorated, let each one choose 2 cup-cakes. 1 cup-cake to eat at the party and the other to take home.

3) Christmas Movie Mania: Make it a movie night, watch some amazing entertaining movies with friends and family and put on those party pyjama!a family gathered around a christmas tree

(image:  kathy keifer)

4) Christmas Party Decor: Decorate the christmas tree and party theme decor together. Call up friends and relatives to decorate the house together, this will increase the bonding among each other and the party will turn a success.

tasty meal for christmas

(image: youtube)

5) Hosting an appetiser party: Appetiser party is a great idea to start your christmas with. Ask each of your relative or friend to get any kind of appetiser as well as make one yourself. Get along and enjoy the appetisers together.

Hope this Christmas and New Year brings all the happiness and success with it. These ideas would be a great idea to make the christmas party happening and joyful.