Holiday's are a fun and festive time full of food and family gatherings, and of course, leaving a huge mess in their wake. Once the holidays come to an end, homes are often left in complete disarray, but there are ways to get yourself and your home back on track and start the new year off on the right foot.

organize your home

After the holidays come to a close and you are ready to get your home back in order, start with the decorations. Major retailers sell a large selection of plastic storage bins that come in every size and shape imaginable. Use these to pack away all your decorations neatly and organized into separate bins so that they are easy to store and will be convenient when you are ready to unpack them next year.

Food is a major part of the holiday season, most families gather for at least one, if not more, huge feasts. Once the holiday season is done, go through your fridge and clear out all the leftover and expired food from feasts and any sweet holiday treats that are still sitting around. Wipe the fridge and counters down, and make sure all the dishes are cleaned and put away. In less than an hour you will have a clean and sparkling kitchen free from all the holiday clutter and food that had taken over.

Holidays come with gifts, and with gifts means things to keep in your home. Clear out the old before putting away the new. If your children received ten toys, pull out ten things they don't use often and donate them to your local charity or kids group. If you received five new shirts, donate five old shirts to a local charity. This helps keep things from becoming overcrowded as well as giving to those less fortunate.

Many people have guests who come and visit during the holiday season. Once everyone has gone home wash all your guest bedding and clean any guest rooms you have. This gets everything cleaned and put away as well as gets everything ready for the next time you have visitors.

During the holidays, presents are a big event. They often come wrapped in brightly colored paper or gift bags full of tissue paper. When your family opens gifts, often bits of paper and other items can get pushed under furniture during the chaos. Be sure to clean under all your furniture to make sure that all bits of paper as well as any toys or gifts that accidentally found their way there can be put away.

Holidays are fun and fantastic, but they also come through every home like a tornado, leaving a mess in their wake. These simple steps can get you off on the right foot after the chaos of the holidays, and get your house back in order in just a small amount of time.