Live In A Rented Apartment? Create Awesome Decor On A Renter's Budget
Live in an ugly apartment or spend money on decorating an apartment that you do not own? It's every renter's dilemma; the options are spending out of your own pocket to paint and fix-up a rented apartment or wake up to an un-appealingly decorated personal space every day. Well, we say that there is another option! If you are renting, try these simple to do, easy on the pocket but completely "wow" ideas for a space that is tastefully decorated and super personal, even the landlord will be amazed with the transformation!
Live in an ugly apartment or spend money on decorating an apartment that you do not own? It's every renter's dilemma; the options are spending out of your own pocket to paint and fix-up a rented apartment or wake up to an un-appealingly decorated personal space every day.
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Make your rented home a beautifully decorated, happy space!

Well, we say that there is another option! If you are renting, try these simple to do, easy on the pocket but completely "wow" ideas for a space that is tastefully decorated and super personal, even the landlord will be amazed with the transformation!
Open Kitchen Shelves
Apart from bathrooms, the kitchen can be the most challenging space in a rented apartment. A kitchen needs to be an easy, functional area, have adequate storage and look good at the same time. This can be a tall ask in a rented space but opening up your kitchen and adding a feeling of depth to a small space is achievable with a simple improvements like taking off kitchen cabinet doors or re-painting walls and back-splash areas. Open shelves will make your kitchen look bigger, adding depth, and are a great way to add a personal touch without spending money on a costly remodel. Paint the interior of the cabinets a striking color or use contrasting wall paper to make the open cabinets even more attractive.

Open kitchen shelves used to display yellow dishes
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Black and white wallpaper used behind open kitchen shelves
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Bathroom Re-Vamp
The generic, commonplace white bathroom commonly found in rented apartments can be a complete put off, and tiles are both expensive and time consuming to change. Change things in your bathroom by bringing some of your favorite possessions into the bathroom, a small console in a pretty powder blue color or a tribal rug from the craft bazaar are bound to uplift the look of a small white, boring bathroom.

Add a few interesting pieces, like this powder blue console table, to make a plain white bathroom attractive
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Use a small colorful rug
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Buy Online + DIY
Troll and research re-selling websites online for finds that you can re-purpose, update or transform with a DIY project. A lot of the stuff offered for sale will need a little work but you'll usually get it for a fraction of the cost of a new purchase. You should end up saving a lot of money on otherwise expensive purchases, like furniture or even household electronics, money which you can then use creatively to make those same, second hand purchases look amazing!

Look for deals on household items online
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Out Dated Do Over
Sometimes a rented apartment is so out dated, in every way, that every makeover that you may think of or attempt fails to meet expectations. When you don't have a choice in the matter opt to enhance the current look itself! Go for a vintage inspired feel in the decor like this colorful bathroom that would have otherwise been very expensive to remodel but because the bold blue color and artwork enhances the vintage looking taps, wall tiles and other bath fittings it seems like a conscious choice.
Make an out-dated, vintage bathroom look like a conscious decor choiceImage -

Invest In What You Own
None of us want to spend on something we do not own, least of all a rented apartment with an 11 month lease about to expire soon. What we still do want is a beautiful apartment! The best way to reconcile the difference is to invest in furniture and fixtures that you can take with you when you move. Ask your landlord for permission to swap out taps and light fixtures, or replace a door, on the condition that you will refit the originals when you leave, or alternatively offer to split the cost or pay a little more rent for small but required updates in your rented accommodation.

Before - The ugly, old tap
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After - The new faucet makes a difference to the look of the bathroom counter
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Get creative with your rented apartment and if you find other non-renovation ways to make a rental look like your own do share them with us!