Quick clean ups for when you're on the stop clock!

Have you had that moment when a friend is round the corner and just called to say she'll be at your door in a jiffy and your home is a total mess with a capital 'T' capital 'M'? Instead of hitting the panic button, follow our under 10 minute plan to quickly make your home look cleaner than it actually is! We know its devious but every girl deserves a break from boring household chores without being judged for it! So read on, put into practice and pass on to the friend who'll be ringing that doorbell any second now!

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Don't hit the panic button!
Image - Sodahead.com

Zone In Zone Out

Every home has public and private areas. Visitors to your home are likely to be restricted to public zones like the living room, lounge, dining room and kitchen plus the guest loo. These are the areas you need to zone-in on quickly, forget about making the bed, just shut the door, and no cleaning required, zone out!

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Clean public zones of your home like the entryway
Image - Bilvil.com

Tackle The T-Zone First!

We mean the TV, toilet counter and table tops! These surfaces show up settled dirt the most and are the biggest culprits when it comes to making a room look dirty or clean. Wipe down quickly, should be done under a couple of minutes.

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Dust the TV
Image - Calendarfly.com

Map Your Home

Next, with a large basket in hand, follow the path that a visitor would take into your home, in the door, down a corridor or up the staircase into the living cum dining room to the powder room or the kitchen, clear clutter along this path, dropping it into the basket as you go. You'll pick up odds and ends like newspapers, bills, notebooks, toys, shoes and other clutter all in one basket without having to go back and forth! 

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Map your home, from the entry point inward
Image - Chfs.ky.gov

At the end of the trail, just drop that entire clutter filled basket in a large closet or behind that bedroom door you shut.

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Collect clutter in a basket
Image - Overstuffedlife.com

Got Another Minute?

If you've got another minute to spare give the guest bathroom some TLC . Swap out hand towels for fresh ones check on the hand soap and toilet paper, shut the shower curtain and dump any damp towels in the laundry bin.

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Prettify the guest toilet
Image - Styleathome.com

Make A Mood!

Finally, if that doorbell is still to ring, open the curtains to let in the light, fluff and arrange couch cushions, spray the room with a room freshener (or use a diffuser with essential oil) and give yourself the once over in the mirror too while you're at it!

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Set a mood! Open curtains and spray a room freshener
Image - Curtainfactoryoutlet.co.uk

Whew! Now all you have to do is kick back, put your feet up and relax over a cuppa once your pal walks in!