Use these hacks for quick couch updates that style your couch right making that old "dated" sofa look chic and contemporary and an actual design choice rather than a hand me down, and you won't have to go buy an expensive new one!

Here's how!

Change Details

This is so simple! Change the details on your couch, swap out the feet, change the trim on the seat cushions, paint an old, carved, french or colonial looking piece in a neon shade. The transformations are eclectic and eye catching not to mention money saving! an the end result is truly WOW! 

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Swap out the feet
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1 sofa, feet 3 ways!
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Dramatic transformation with mew trimmings!
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This sofa has been trimmed in a printed fabric, with the same fabric used for throw cushions and has been painting neon pink to boot. Isn't the transformation dramatic? 

Dramatic Upholstery

Choose a really graphic fabric to upholster any couch, the graphics grab the attention keeping you and your guests from noticing that the couch is, well, not the greatest piece in the room. You'll be surprised, your old, ugly couch could actually become a conversation piece.

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Graphic upholstery is like a bolt of bright color 
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Pile On The Cushions!

Hide your sofa! Literally! Pile on a bunch of interesting cushions in various shapes and sizes, go for different colors and prints, make it an interesting display in itself. The side effect of this hack? No one will notice your couch!

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Varying sizes of cushions hide a plain couch
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Paint the wall behind the sofa the same color as the sofa to make it blend into the surroundings a bit more and be less obvious! You are camouflaging your sofa this way, making it stick out less and therefore it is less noticeable!

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The wall behind the sofa is similar shade as the yellow sofa, making it less noticeable
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Use the power of color so you never have to write off an old sofa again! You may need to go the extra mile and spend on re-upholstering an old sofa in a bright, modern color. Juxtapose an old sofa against a backdrop that is modern and new to create a contemporary vibe for the decor of any room. Old pieces actually bring a sense of tradition to a room but they should never look dated. 

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Before - Tired looking, old blue velvet sofa
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After - In its new avatar
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The idea behind these hacks is to be able to include an old piece here and there to make for an interesting overall design statement, while saving you some pretty pennies and all without compromising on great decor!