Cockroaches are a pet peeve of home owners. As much as we would like to keep our homes chemical free, cockroaches soon become resilient to homemade or DIY organic methods and before long are back to invade your home. Since chemical pesticides are toxic, use when necessary, meanwhile try to keep your home clean, vacuuming periodically and use DIY methods to keep cockroaches and other insects and pests at bay.

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Opt for professional pest control to control persistent cockroaches
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If you have an intense roach infestation, then you may require something much stronger than baking soda and sugar. What you need is a professional pest control treatment with an insecticide containing the chemical Cypermetherin. The residual effect of some insecticides lasts for three months or more, and they linger in your home environment for that period of time so it is important to take a few precautions when opting for pest control treatments.

Before Pest Control

Vacate The Space

It is strictly recommended that all the children aged below 4 years of age and pregnant women refrain from entering the environment which has undergone pest control. Stay out of your home for a minimum of 3-4 hours for your own safety.

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Keep children out!
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Clear Cabinets

Clear all your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom cabinets for the chemicals to be sprayed. You can put all items back in their proper place after 3-4 hours.

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Empty all cabinets and cubboards
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Safely Store Food And Utensils

Clear your kitchen of all food items and bag them or keep them covered in an airtight container. Also, store utensils similarly and wash prior to use the first time after pest control. Take all necessary precautions to avoid accidental contamination of food by the insecticide.

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Store food safely, preferably in airtight containers
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After Pest Control

Hold Off On Intense Cleaning 

Avoid washing sprayed surfaces like the floor with soap and water for at least 24 hours to let the chemical take effect.

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Do not clean!
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Cover Your Nose When Cleaning

When cleaning your home post a pest control service, make sure that your nose is covered and you do not inhale the chemical directly. Wear gloves, wash your hands regularly and thoroughly for at least a week following the pest control.

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Wear a protective mask
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It is important to know that all the repellents or cockroach prevention methods have extremely harmful chemicals in them. Some people refrain from using them altogether for the fear of introducing harmful toxins to their homes. While there are many home remedies that help in checking the problem of cockroaches, they may not be enough to completely eradicate them, with these precautions, you can not only make your home cockroach free but prevent any unwanted accidents too.