A Secret Action Plan For Selling Your House Right Now!
You've put your home on the market, and it's frustrating to see people walk in and out without any of them actually buying. Here are 10 easy tips for selling your home.
You've put your home on the market, and it's frustrating to see people troop in and out of what is essentially your private space without any of those buyer visits actually materializing into the actual sale. So what are you doing wrong? And what can you do to sell your home faster?

Is your home for sale?
Image - Phoenixpropertiesonline.com
Here are 10 easy tips for selling your home right this very minute!
Wash The Drive-Way!
If you live in a stand alone home wash your drive way and any access areas that prospective buyers are likely to walk through before entering your home, after all there is only one first impression. If you are in an apartment, make sure common areas on your floor like the elevator lobby, are cleaned and your entryway is attractive.
A before and after pic of a cleaned driveway!Image - Driveway-clean.me

Give Great Directions
Direct the agent or the prospective buyer accurately to your home with as much detail as possible, or if your home is difficult to locate ask them to wait at a spot close to your home and escort them from there. The process of locating a sellers home sometimes consumes more time than the actual process of seeing the property and can be frustrating for a buyer seeing multiple properties in a day, your home will stand out for the ease in finding it.

Give clear, detailed directions
Image - Fejlodniakarok.hu
Easy-To-Read House Numbers
It can be as frustrating to look for a home as it is to sell one! Try and understand that the prospective buyer is probably giving up a weekend to go house hunting and easy to read house numbers make your home easy to spot, making them waste less time.
Bold house numbers are a good ideaImage - Mystikit.com

Put Yourself In The Buyers Shoes
Think like the prospective buyer would! Look around your home objectively and evaluate what would need to be fixed or changed if you were the buyer? Make notes of your observations and tackle them one by one.
Think like the buyerImage - Idiva.com

Wash Your Windows
Clean windows will sparkle on a sunny day offering clear views in and out of your home. This is especially important if the windows frame a stunning view of the pool in your apartment complex or your beautifully planted garden.
Clean windows frame great views!Image - Etsy.com

A fresh coat of paint is a really easy and cheap way to freshen things up quickly. While stained paint can be really putting off, a new coat of paint is a simple cost effective fix for tired decor. Choose neutral colors so as not to put off any buyers with your color choice.
Paint effects can do wonders for your interior decorImage - Modernmagazin.com

This may seem like a counter intuitive point, but a home that has less personal style, and seems more "adaptable" to the buyers style is likely to sell faster. A good way to de-style your home is to put away family photographs and souvenirs or any large statement pieces of decor.
Clearing away personal effects can make your home more appealing to buyersImage - Freshpalace.com

Smooth Walk Through
Make your home a smooth experience to walk through. This may involve re-arranging your furniture or getting rid of pieces altogether, to make sure that buyers can walk through rooms without having to walk around your belongings.
Before - A visitor will have to walk through a passage between the couch and coffee table
After - Re-arranging furniture lets visitors walk through without impedimentImages - Donnadazzo.wordpress.com

Keep Your Pet At Bay
Not everyone is a pet person, and some are downright pet-averse! Accommodate every prospective buyer by keeping your pet confined for the duration of the visit. Another point to make note of here is to minimize pet odour which can be a put off for most people.
Keep all types of pets at bayImage - Organic.lovetoknow.com

Cleaning is pretty straight forward advice! But even when cleaning it pays to concentrate on the spots that show up dirt fastest like bathrooms and the kitchen. A professional deep cleaning service will be able to take out tough stains leaving your bathrooms and kitchen sparkling, and is well worth the cost.
A clean home is always attractive!Image - Weekendmaids.net

We hope your home is off the market really soon! As soon as you try our fantastic tips that is!