Cleaning wooden floors may seem a tedious task, but can get exciting and enjoyable when you try to create your very own cleaning agent from ingredients readily available in most homes. It doesn't mean you stop shopping for floor cleaning products, but these recipes are bound to come in handy when you run out of cleaners, or prefer natural ingredients to chemical formulations. The results can prove quite rewarding!

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Clean, hygienic wooden floor is a pleasure indeed!
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Let’s check out five simple DIY solutions that you can prepare from ingredients readily available at home.

Vinegar + Water

Yes, you are not mistaken. Vinegar is acidic in nature and all types of vinegar can strip the wooden finish when used regularly. However, a mixture of ½ cup of white vinegar diluted with approximately 4 liters of water can prove to be quite effective to clean grease, mildew as well as any residual buildup, apart from lifting any odors off the floor.


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An ancient recipe that is still effective
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A simple concoction of 3 tea bags in about 4 cups of hot water can work wonders on your wooden floor. Brew black tea, allow it to cool and fill up in a spray bottle.  Spray sparingly on the floor and wipe the area dry using a mop or wash cloth. Tea not only removes dirt, but also adds to its color and natural sheen. You can perfect or customize this recipe with regular use, however start with a mild brew to ascertain the effects.

Lemon Juice + Olive Oil

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Use Equal parts of lemon juice and olive oil make a refreshing wood cleaner
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This mix of lemon, with its antibacterial and antiseptic property, plus olive oil, a natural conditioner, does a great job of disinfecting and polishing wooden floors at the same time. You can dilute this mixture with required quantities of water and use it to mop the floor as needed.  You can also use lemon juice or olive oil separately to either clean or polish the floor. 

You can also apply a thin coat of olive oil mixed with white vinegar to enhance or restore the shine of your wooden floor.

Borax + Water

Yet another disinfectant formulation, you can use a mixture of sodium borate (Borax) ¼ cup and water along with ½ teaspoon of liquid dish soap to rid wooden floors of dirt, grime and germs. Take adequate precautions when preparing this mix because borax is a mild irritant. You can opt to use Baking soda instead of Borax, but soda may also cause itches, but it can camouflage scratch marks effectively. Mop the floor a second time to remove any traces of soda, borax, or vinegar.

Mild Liquid Dish Soap + Water

If you aren't that adventurous simply mix a mild dish wash liquid with water and go right ahead and mop the floor clean. 

Irrespective of the formulation you choose to use, always remember to use a dry, damp mop to swab the floors. As a rule test any DIY formulation in an inconspicuous area so that you don’t harm the wood finish!