Got A Mold Problem? Here’s how you can find out!
Mold is often found in areas of high humidity in homes. Bathrooms that are badly ventilated, dark closets and under sink areas are the usual culprits. Also, that black spreading stain in a wall that has water seepage and damage is mold. So why is mold making a home in yours? Find out now.
Mold is often found in areas of high humidity in homes. Bathrooms that are badly ventilated, dark closets and under sink areas are the usual culprits. Also, that black spreading stain in a wall that has water seepage and damage is mold.
So why is mold making a home in yours? Find out now.
What is mold?
Mold is a type of fungus. Mold reproduce through spores which are tiny particles that are invisible to the naked eye and can be found everywhere in the natural environment, both indoor and outdoor. Mold spores can be transported into your home through air, water or insects.
Mold growing in a wall with water damage

Where does mold grow?
Mold spores can only grow in the right environment! There are many types of mold found in the natural environment but absolutely none can grow in the absence of moisture. Mold will only be found in the areas of your home that have high humidity, are damp or have water damage. When a mold spore lands on a wet surface it has the right environment to grow into a mold problem. The other factors that encourage mold growth are bad ventilation, darkness, warmth especially in storage spaces for items that is mold food like paper, clothes, books etc.
Mold grows in wet areas like bathrooms

Investigate The Mold In Your Home
So you have a mold problem that just will not go away no matter how many times you may have wiped down surfaces that have mold growth? The problem with mold is that once it is there on a surface it may be cleaned away from the surface itself but mold spores lie dormant till the right conditions for them to grow exist again. So your recurring mold problem is due to the fact that you are cleaning the mold away but not fixing the underlying cause.
Breathing in mold can cause health problems and allergic reactions

Mold will not grow in the absence of moisture, warmth or a food source, removing any one of these three ingredients from the problem area will effectively prevent the recurrence of a mold problem. This is easier said than done, especially if you water seepage or damage in the walls of your home that will require large scale repair work.
Mold is not just an eyesore but can cause health issues especially in people suffering from respiratory problems, sinusitis, asthma and those prone to allergic reactions. Certain mold species produce a toxic substance that when inhaled can cause symptoms that range from a runny nose, red eyes, skin rashes to irritation in the throat, skin nose and lungs and may cause severe allergic reactions in the frail, sick or elderly. Get rid of the mold in your home once and for all today by eliminating its cause.