Hanging up mirrors in the hall, bedroom or in any other room in the home makes the place feel spacious. Numerous fashionable and trendy designs for mirrors have popped up in the market, making them a substitute for wall art. Mirrors inject a special feeling, a grandiose touch of gorgeousness for the home.

If you have chosen the perfect mirror already, let’s look at how to prep a space and hang a mirror perfectly. 

1. The Right Spot For Your Mirror 

Choose the right area on the wall which, free from other objects, with ample space to fit the entire mirror. Make sure the wall has no other fittings or fixtures so the mirror stands out. 

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Pick the perfect spot for your mirror

2. Clear The Area

Make sure you clear up the space where the mirror is to be hanged. If there is furniture in the area, move it out of the way to clear the way for you or a handyman when hanging up the mirror. Also remember to clean the wall before the mirror is hung up as it may be difficult to clean behind the mirror once it is installed.

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A very sturdy way to hang a mirror with interlocking wooden pieces

3. Ready Inputs 

Measure the size of the mirror, and demarcate a similar area for the installation. Also keep ready the nuts, bolts and other supports required to be fixed to the wall to hold the mirror in place. Prior to placing the mirror do a quick research on all the required components and supports required so you are adequately prepared and the work is completed at one go. Do purchase quality inputs and supports for hanging the mirror.

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Measure the mirror accurately

4. Research Ideas 

You can always take a look at a friend’s residence, or run through online sites for ideas about hanging mirrors. Asking a friend who has already put up a beautiful mirror for inputs about getting it right  will help you avoid the mistakes they made, and you will get it right in the first try. You can also run through online reviews and testimonials for more smart ideas about hanging mirrors and preparations. There are ample simple and easy ideas which are required to be followed before hanging up a mirror.

5. Seek Professional Help 

It is best advised to hire a professional handyman, especially for drilling holes and fixing the right supports to adequately hold the weight of the mirror. A professional handyman will know how and where to drill and will also give you advise and tips on getting it right.

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You may require to drill holes in the wall and the mirror frame

If you decide to do it yourself, make sure that you have the proper tools and do the research regarding techniques for hanging a mirror.