World AIDS Day: Busting Common HIV Myths

This World AIDS Day, let's look at some of the most common myths and bust them with facts. HIV can only spread through blood, semen, pre-ejaculate, breast milk, rectal and vaginal fluids.

HIV cannot spread through touch

HIV does not spread through physical contact like shaking hands, hugging, high-fiving, or similar activities. It is important to remember to treat victims of HIV normally.

HIV cannot spread through food or water

It is impossible for the HIV virus to live outside the body for long or to survive in water. So, swimming, bathing, drinking, or other activities involving water are completely safe.

Couples with HIV need to protect themselves

There are various kinds of strains of HIV, which can change over time. If you and your partner are under treatment for HIV, it could create complications by causing a superinfection if no protection is used.

HIV can spread through Oral Sex

Any exchange of semen, pre-ejaculate, or vaginal fluids can transmit HIV. Although the risk is low, it is advisable to use dental dams or condoms to prevent the spread of the virus.

HIV can spread through needles

It is a common misconception that HIV cannot spread through used needles when the virus can survive in a used needle for up to 42 hours. There are no safe ways to share needles.

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