Use These Items To Kill Mold in Your Household

Mold is a nightmare for homeowners. They grow in places with exposure to moisture like your bathrooms or kitchen. Well, you don't have to worry, there are a few daily items you can use to get rid of them!


For some time, bleach has been a conventional method to fight mold and mildew growth. The only drawback is that it will not be effective on porous surfaces.


While it is toxic if swallowed, it does not emit any dangerous fumes like most mold killers. Combine Borax with water and it is great to use against mold and prevent it from growing again.


Vinegar can kill 82% of the mold species in a natural way. No toxic fumes, just spray it on mold and leave it. Repeat this process once in a while to keep it from growing again.


Just like bleach, ammonia cannot be used on non-porous surfaces. Ammonia is toxic so it can kill mold. But, the dead mold and spores must be cleaned out.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is a very safe alternative to bleach as it does not leave any chemical residue behind and does not produce fumes. This is an environment-friendly mold killer.

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