Discover India's majestic rivers, vital lifelines for its people and ecosystems. Let's embark on a journey through the top 10 longest rivers.
The Ganges, revered as Ganga Maa, is India's longest river, nurturing life and spirituality.
Known as the Dakshin Ganga (Southern Ganges), the Godavari is the second-longest river, vital for agriculture and culture.
The Krishna River, crucial for irrigation and hydroelectricity, flows through multiple states, enriching the region.
The Yamuna, a major tributary of the Ganges, holds religious significance and supports diverse ecosystems.
The Narmada, flowing westwards, is unique among Indian rivers. It's considered sacred and supports rich biodiversity.
Originating in Tibet, the Indus flows through India and Pakistan, nurturing ancient civilizations.
The Brahmaputra, known for its ferocity and rich biodiversity, is a lifeline for the northeastern states.
The Mahanadi, flowing through Odisha, supports agriculture and fisheries, contributing to the state's economy.
Known as the Ganga of the South, the Kaveri is vital for the cultural and economic prosperity of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
The Tapti, a smaller but significant river, contributes to the ecology and economy of western India.