Exploring India's Cutting-Edge Humanoid Robot Technology

With the technological growth, India is racing up in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Humanoid Robots resemble humans and India ranks third in the world for robotic automatic implementation.


Mitra is a five-foot-tall humanoid robot designed by Bengaluru-based Invento Robotics. It is known for its conversational tone, speech and face recognition, and navigational features. It gained recognition in the GES 2020 by conversing with US President Donald Trump and Indian PM Narendra Modi.


Manav is India’s first 3D humanoid robot developed by the researcher Diwakar Vaish, A-Set Training and Research Institute of Delhi. This two-foot-tall robot can walk, talk, and dance as per human commands. Designed for research purposes, It is equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a rechargeable battery.


Researcher Santosh Vasudeo Hulawale designed the tallest robot, Indro- 6-foot-tall. Indro is made with aluminium, wood, cardboard, and plastic. It can be used for lightweight tasks like entertainment, education, and household chores depending on human instructions.


Introduced by HDFC Bank, IRA is a shiny white humanoid robot used for the betterment of user experience. IRA’s friendly face answers customer queries, provides detailed information about the bank, and helps customers open a new account.


Indian Airline Vistara introduced RADA as an AI robotic for enhancing user experience to board flights and automate simple tasks. RADA is being present at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. It can rotate 360° and has three in-built cameras for real-world interaction.

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