Do This When You Feel Anxious Next Time

When feeling anxious, try these unsaid techniques to find effective relief.

Engage in Rhythmic Tapping

Tap fingers rhythmically on a surface. The repetitive motion grounds you at the moment and provides a calming sensory experience.

Chew on Ice Chips

Chewing ice chips provides a sense of distraction, and refreshes your sensation. Cold temperatures also trigger the dive reflex, resulting in a slow heart rate.


Keep a small bottle of essential oils like lavender or bergamot nearby. Take a deep whiff while feeling anxious to cope with your mind and body

Mindful Eating

Eat a small snack like chocolate/ nuts, and focus on taste and texture. Mindful eating drives out your anxiety.

Mindful Petting

Our furry, and feathery friend’s fur and warmth in their body can gently swift our anxiety and calm our mind.


Go outside at night. Look up at the stars. The twinkling stars make your worries feel small. It makes you feel amazed.

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