Anti-Valentine's Week 2024: All about Slap Day to Break-up Day

People who are single or fresh out of a relationship celebrate the 7 days after Valentine's Day as Anti-Valentine's week. Here is all you need to know about these 7 days in order.

Slap Day (15 February)

This day is dedicated to people who want to slap their exes for cheating on them or causing mental trauma. Slap is an overkill, but it means to get rid of everything that reminds you of them.

Kick Day (16 February)

This day reminds you to kick away all the memories and negativity they spread in your life. Kick away any gifts or belongings from your ex, too.

Perfume Day (17 February)

The third day of the Anti-Valentine's week is for focusing on yourself. Pamper yourself with your favourite perfume and feel good about treating yourself right. It boosts one's self-confidence.

Flirt Day (18 February)

This day is to motivate all the singles to go make a move on their long-time crush. Leave all your pride of being single aside and give a chance at it, who knows, you might get lucky.

Confession Day (19 February)

May it be a romantic interest you have had for someone for a long time or confessing your mistakes to someone you might have hurt in the past. Spread kindness through confessions on this day.

Missing Day (20 February)

This day is named after the feeling of missing someone you love and care about. So, why not approach the person you love and make their day by telling them you miss them very much?

Break-Up Day (February 21)

Choose freedom on the last day of Anti-Valentine's week. It is the day you break up with a toxic partner or with someone you have lost the spark with. Rip the band-aid right off.

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