7 Effective Exercises to get rid of Belly fat

Get rid of Belly fat in the comfort of your home without having to use any workout equipment.


This classic exercise targets the abdominal muscles and helps to tone and strengthen them.


This exercise engages the entire core, including the abs, back, and hips, and helps to improve posture and balance.

Russian twists

This exercise targets the oblique muscles and helps to tone and define the waistline.

Bicycle crunches

This exercise targets the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles and helps to burn fat and tone the abs.

Mountain climbers

This exercise is a full-body workout that targets the abs, arms, and legs, and helps to burn calories.


This exercise is a high-intensity full-body workout that targets the abs, arms, and legs, and helps to burn fat and build muscle.

Cardiovascular exercise

In addition to targeted ab exercises, incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your routine can help to burn calories and reduce overall body fat, including belly fat.

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