12 Unfamiliar Indian Laws Every Indian Should Know

Knowing Indian law is essential to protect ourselves from unwarranted issues, especially in the current societal climate.

Free Legal Aid

Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, anyone earning less than INR 25,000 monthly or belonging to disadvantaged groups is eligible for free legal services.

Senior Citizens’ Maintenance

Under the Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, children and heirs are legally obligated to provide maintenance to senior citizens.

Right to Lodge an FIR

Police must file your FIR regardless of the jurisdiction of the incident, ensuring you can report a crime without being turned away.

Protection of Good Samaritans

The Good Samaritan Law protects individuals who help accident victims from legal & procedural hassles, encouraging bystanders to assist in emergencies.

Right to Public Services(RPS)

Several states have enacted the RPS Act, ensuring the timely delivery of public services to citizens & imposing penalties on officials for delays.

Mental Healthcare Act

The Mental Healthcare Act ensures that individuals with mental illnesses have access to mental health care and services and safeguards their rights.

Right to Minimum Wages

The Minimum Wages Act mandates that workers are paid minimum wages for their labour, ensuring fair compensation across various industries.

Whistleblower Protection

The Whistleblowers Protection Act protects individuals who expose corruption or wrongdoing in government bodies, safeguarding them from retaliation.

Right to Pollution-Free Environment

Citizens have the right to a pollution-free environment and can take legal action against industries or individuals causing environmental harm.

Legal Protection for Live-In Relationships

The Supreme Court recognizes live-in relationships, granting partners certain legal rights similar to those of married couples.

Right to Privacy

The Right to Privacy is recognized as a fundamental right by the Supreme Court, protecting individuals from unwarranted intrusion into their private lives.

Right to Education Act

This guarantees free education for children aged 6 to 14 & requires private schools to reserve some seats for disadvantaged and economically weaker sections.

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