Wooden Floor Cleaning Guide: Top 5 Tips for Sparkling Floors

“Your home sparkles when the floor sparkles, but a spot of dust on the floor can make that sparkle vanish.” Wooden floors are known for the timeless elegance they provide to any place. Maintaining the wooden floors requires proper care and cleaning to ensure they are in good condition for the coming years. Those damaged and scratched wooden floors will make your home’s appearance dull. Wooden floors need more maintenance than other floors and can be more demanding.

Do you want the wooden floors to sparkle? How? If you have shifted to a new apartment with wooden floors, these questions must be striking you! Even the wooden floors become dull when exposed to heavy chemicals and excessive moisture. Follow the guide below to avoid such issues and clean the wooden floors.

Keep the Dust Away from Wooden Floors

Prevention is better than cure! You don’t need any medical treatment to clean your wooden floors. You must prevent your wooden floors by following these steps in a routine. Don’t allow the dust to enter your homes. Don’t create a nuisance for the wooden floors.

Place Doormats at the Entrance: Laying down doormats at the entrance is a convenient way to avoid dust and debris moving inside. Choosing a coarse material for doormats will catch the dirt stuck to your footwear. Doormats are the best choice to keep wooden floors clean.

Don’t Take Your Shoes Inside: Going barefoot is better than going with your shoes inside. Make this rule in your family to enter the home without shoes and not let the dirt and grit hamper the wood floor. 

Use Area Rugs: Placing rugs at high-traffic areas and spill zones like kitchen sinks or pet feeding areas will protect the wooden floors. Area rugs can utilise dirt and grime before moving to the wooden floors.

Cleaning Wooden Floors Daily

Are you cleaning the wooden floors once a month? Yes? You are inviting excessive dust to your floors and home too!

Vacuum Cleaning: Clean the wooden floors with a vacuum cleaner once a week and high-traffic areas often. Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment that can remove dust and pet hair (which can damage the wooden floor) and make the wooden floors sparkle.

Clean Corners and Edges: Corners and edges attract dust more. When cleaning the wooden floors, use the hose attachment in the vacuum cleaner to clean the corners and edges. It will protect the wooden floor in the long run.

Mopping Wooden Floors

Mopping the wooden floors in a precise manner means some conditions to follow! If you do not know those conditions, you may damage the wooden floors of your home. 

Dry Microfibre Cloth: Never mop the wooden floor with a wet cloth because excessive moisture can harm the wooden floors. Use a microfibre cloth to clean away the dirt because the softness will not deprive the quality of the wood. You can also use a cleaning solution best suited for your wooden floor to keep that shine intact.

DIY Cleaning Solution: If you want a natural solution to clean your wooden floor, then try this method. Mix one gallon of warm water and half a cup of white vinegar together and use this solution as a cleaning tool for your wooden floor. Avoid using this on unfinished or oiled wooden floors. Otherwise, you may see the wooden floors damaged.

No Spills on Wooden Floors

Spills happen and can make your wooden floors look unpleasant. Remove the spills very quickly as the spills turn out into hard stains. That becomes difficult to clean.

Do Not Scrub: Blot the spills with an absorbent cloth. Do not scrub on the spills. While removing the spills, try not to remove the wooden floor surface. Do not make the spill worse.

Use a Damp cloth: Once you have blotted up the spill. Clean the area with a damp cloth and a wooden floor-cleaning solution. It will ensure the shine of the wooden floor is not affected by the spill.

Deep Clean the Wooden Floors

Bulk of spills? Dirty wooden floors? Then deep cleaning is the right solution for the wooden floors.

Schedule Deep Cleaning: Deep cleaning the wooden floors every 3-6 months, depending on the amount of high-traffic areas. Use a wooden floor revitalizer or a deep cleaning solution to clean the wooden floor and enhance the home's appearance.

Professional Cleaning: If you have damaged or scratched floors and are facing difficulty cleaning them properly, hire a professional cleaning service to deep clean the wooden floors.

This blog is a helping guide on how to keep your old wooden floors sparkling clean and new. Place doormats, use area rugs, vacuum clean the floors, clean the corners and edges, use a microfibre cloth, try homemade cleaning solutions, and apply deep cleaning techniques. Choose the cleaning solutions formulated for your wooden floor type. Daily cleaning and maintenance can prevent the wooden floors of your home. Don’t be too harsh on your wooden floors! Follow this guide to keep the natural finishing of wooden floors alive. 

Enjoy the warmth and beauty of your home with sparkling wooden floors.