Why Physiotherapy Is A Must For The Current Generation

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a profession where the Physiotherapists' primary focus is to help people improve their physical function and prevent or manage pain through various techniques and exercises. In the current generation, where people are leading an inactive lifestyle, physiotherapy has become more needed for our overall well-being and to eliminate pain in our body that might cause severe damage in the future. Physiotherapists help us to find this and manage the pain in the body. Here are some reasons why physiotherapy is a must for the current generation:

1) Eating & Drinking Habits

As time progressed, our habits changed. The food we eat today is different from what the previous generation consumed. There is also an increase in the consumption of unhealthy drinks among the current generation. Moderation is a factor this generation should apply since our body needs minimum physical activity to process food healthily. Our bodies often remain idle throughout the day. It is crucial to engage in physical activity to stay active.

2) Sedentary Lifestyle

Our day-to-day activities have drastically changed now. Ever since the evolution of technology, desk jobs have become more common in this time and age. People are working for more than 40 hours a week, sitting on a chair. This practice began just a few decades ago because most people from the previous generation used to have jobs that involved more physical activities. While regular physiotherapy sessions can help relieve stress on the body, experts recommend daily physical activity.

3) Chronic Conditions

Our lifestyle is one of the dominant causes behind several health issues affecting the present generation. It is a fact to consider that there has been a high spike in cases related to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Apart from these, some people in the current generation have chronic conditions like arthritis, back pain, and fibromyalgia. You know it is a cause for concern when young people are dealing with diseases which often were reported among the older generation earlier. Physiotherapy can prevent these conditions through strengthening exercises and pain management techniques. By improving mobility in our lifestyle, there are high chances for us to stop our bodies from succumbing to chronic conditions.

4) Poor Posture

All thanks to our sedentary lifestyle, people in the current generation have posture issues. One of the causes behind this is prolonged usage of phones and sitting still for long periods. Due to this, people in this generation often suffer from posture issues especially Slouched shoulders, Forward neck posture, or Rounded shoulders. It is important to note that a forward neck posture may lead to an injury in the cervical and lumbar spine. Stretching, Corrective exercises and manual therapy in Physiotherapy can help improve our body posture and prevent posture-related issues.

5) Ageing Population

As the current generation ages, there will be an increase in the need for physiotherapy to help age-related conditions such as Stroke, Osteoporosis, and Parkinson's disease. By going on regular therapy sessions, physiotherapists can improve mobility, balance, and overall function in older adults. Even though regular physiotherapy seems to be an ideal option, a minimum 30-minute exercise can improve the overall well-being of humans.


Too much reliance on anything is not healthy. Depending on Physiotherapy alone won't improve an individual's overall well-being. Try engaging your body in activities that burn calories, strengthens your core etc.