Make Your Rental Property Stand Out to Potential Tenants

When a potential tenant reaches out to you, they’ll most likely want to see your rental property from a real perspective. Although you might’ve posted many photos online, nothing beats a live showing, especially since it makes them imagine themselves living there.

If you’ve got a rental property you want to stand out to potential tenants, you must do everything in your power to ensure it sells out quickly. Considering the current rental market, you must have a few tricks up your sleeve to show off your property. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of methods you can do, so your potential tenants are impressed by your property.

Increase the Curb Appeal

Regardless of what you may have heard, the exterior of your property matters first because it’s the first thing your tenants see. That said, if it’s not clean, it will look like the rest of the property is the same inside, and potential tenants might not want to go further inside.

According to a study, on average, curb appeal can add up to 14 percent to your rent sale price. So, if you want to increase the curb appeal, there are some things you can do, such as:

  • Mowing the lawn
  • Adding flowers
  • Removing trash and weeds
  • Adding a coat of paint
  • Checking the condition of light fixtures or mailbox

Essentially, you must aim for a neat lawn, so don’t try to go overboard by adding too many plants because they need maintenance. However, you can also try to add bulbs to enhance your property’s yard and make it stand out from the rest.

Do Basic Repairs

To ensure everything is in working order and ready for your tenants to move in, you must do and inspect basic repairs. Potential tenants are quick to notice flaws in a property, so you might want to take a second look at a leaky faucet or dryer.

If you want your tenants to move in and not have anything to complain about, these repairs will save you tons of time. Similarly, if you think some renovating needs to be done, it’s best to address it early.

Try to upgrade old appliances, cabinets, and countertops to give a modern flare to your kitchen. Also, switching and updating bathroom hardware can give it a new look, especially if you switch out tubs and toilets.

Although repairs and renovations might be expensive, they’re necessary to ensure your tenants move into a comfortable property. According to Remodeling data, the most affordable types of renovations are:

  • Bathroom accessibility updates
  • Midrange bathroom remodel
  • Minor kitchen remodel

Minor updates can have a significant impact on your rental property because small touches can easily modernize the space, without having to spend a fortune on them. At the same time, you can have your property feel fresh and updated, making it accessible to potential tenants.

Incorporate Smart Technology

Nowadays, smart technology has greatly improved the quality of life, and rental properties are no exception. So, if you want to make your property stand out from the rest, you can consider some technology alternatives to make your tenants' lives easier.

For example, you can buy eco-friendly TV, fridge, conditioner, or coffee maker. You can also connect your phone to your light bulbs, to turn them on and off whenever you need to. Or, you can extend that innovation to your tenant-landlord relationship by incorporating Rentberry – a secure online rental platform that allows your tenants to make their payments or submit anything more quickly and efficiently.

Consider Staging

If you’re one of those landlords who like to have personal belongings laying around their property, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, as tempting as it is to decorate and furnish your property with personal photographs, decorations, or artwork, these things don’t usually do well in showings.

One of the main things you should consider is to allow potential tenants to see themselves living there. This means leaving personal items out of the frame and bringing in professional decorating instead. If possible, you can hire an interior designer to help stage the property for your tenants beforehand, making the place look clean and neat.

Add Storage

If you’re looking for more ways to make your rental property stand out, adding storage is definitely on the list. Whether it’s adding extra rooms, giving your property spare bedrooms or bathrooms can attract more renters. Additionally, you can use this to your advantage by increasing the rent price.

Aside from this, you can also try to enlarge a master closet, put floor decking in the attic, or add additional shelving. Storage upgrades are mainly necessary for older properties because most features are noticeably smaller than in modern homes, plus they’ll appeal to tenants with a large family. In addition to these tips, consider listing your property on real estate MLS listing to increase its visibility to potential tenants. This can help you reach a wider audience and attract more inquiries for your rental property.

Consider Finishing Touches

Even if your rental property may be empty, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the last finishing touches, such as maintenance. After all, no potential tenant wants to walk into a dirty and smelly house.

That said if you want to maximize the chances of making your rental property stand out from others, ensure to give it a thorough cleaning before calling others to view it. You can also call a professional local cleaning service to help with that as it’s a more efficient and quicker way of completing your rental property.