HomeTriangle Tips: The Secrets To Sustainable Eco-Friendly Life

Most of us haven’t made healthy and earth-conscious decisions until now because we were led to believe that the transition to an eco-friendly lifestyle filled with safer and organic products means we give up many things convenient, effective, and lower-priced and flavorful food. Well, the good news is that making green changes can be as simple as you’d want it to be.  Start with easy swaps and, when you're ready, move on to bigger things.

Read HomeTriangle tips to enjoying a simple and affordable eco-friendly lifestyle without making it complicated or expensive.

1. DIY Always When Possible

The smell of bleach, synthetic pine, or ammonia used to a constant factor in every home.  Many commercially available cleaning products are considered to be toxic, and they can also be expensive. Instead, there are a few cleaning products that you can create yourself which work equally well, won’t leave any residue, and will leave you feeling great about making the eco-friendly choice. A few choices you should consider are:

  1. Aromatic spray cleaner using vinegar, water, and your favorite essential oil
  2. Mold and mildew remover using vinegar
  3. Disinfecting sprays and wipes using natural products such as lemons and vinegar
  4. Carpet cleaners using baking soda and other natural ingredients

2. Skip The Car Once in a While

While private transport options such as cars and motorcycles are usually necessary, choose to walk or ride a bike. You can easily save emissions and sneak in the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Less air pollution and a healthier heart seem like pretty great effects from a simple decision to skip the car for a short trip. Or if you really want to save more on emissions, consider an electric vehicle and skip gas entirely.

3. Recycle!

There is a huge misconception that recycling is just about plastic and paper. You can recycle food by composting and products, toys, and clothing by upcycling or donating them. But if you have a broken item, recycling the right way in the trash will keep it out of the already choked landfills.

You can save aluminum and other metals to take to a local scrap metal center for some extra change. Composting is another ideal way to recycle. Using food scraps can create quality nutrients for your garden, even if it's a container one.

4. Grow Vegetables At Home

You can grow organic vegetables on your own in your backyard and save money on organic foods at the grocery store. Seeds are generally inexpensive, and you may be able to harvest your own for the following year or get them free from swaps. I suggest you start just like the rest of us - slow and easy and learn as you go. You are obviously going to make mistakes as first-time gardeners. Moreover, you are going to find that gardening is relaxing and helps you lower your stress levels.

5. Cook Meals From Scratch

Last but not least, limiting the consumption of commercially farmed foods is a brilliant way to be more green and sustainable. The supply chain drains the Earth's resources and the result is often an over-processed food product that is costly and provides little to no nutritional value. From dinners to lunches, make locally grown organic options a priority. Also, phase out plastic containers, spatulas, and spoons from the kitchen, and opt for glass, stainless, bamboo, wood, or reusable bags for containers and utensils instead.

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