Before The Professional House Cleaner Arrives
You've finally decided to outsource the cleaning of your home to a trustworthy professional service provider, signed up for the service, and fixed an appointment too. Unfortunately your responsibility doesn't really end there. There are host of nitty-gritties to take care of before the cleaner arrives.
Safely Stash Valuables
To avoid any accidental damage, loss or theft make sure to gather and store personal belongings safely, preferably under lock and key, be it pieces of daily-wear jewelry, compact personal electronic gadgets, documents, cash, bills, expensive / favorite toys, or just anything of monetary or sentimental value.
Put away valubles
Organize Home Contents
Homes aren't museums! It’s but natural to have things lying around and putting them back in order, away from cleaner’s work zone, will not only help locate them when they’re needed, but make it easier to clean the space. Make sure to appropriately mark places that you don’t want the cleaner to venture into and instruct accordingly when the cleaning team arrives.
Pick up toys and other clutter
Take Precautionary Measures
Is that wall-hanging, light fixture, appliance handle, chandelier or large mirror securely in place? Are there any hanging wires? Will moving furniture damage the floor or do you need to place any padding beneath furniture beforehand? Will delicate artifacts survive dusting? If you aren't too sure, either stash small and delicate items safely out of harms way or instruct cleaners to steer clear of them.
Highlight Areas of Concern
Clearly identify specific rooms, areas or spots that need additional cleaning. It is actually judicious to avail the services of professional cleaners to spruce up nooks and corners that are beyond the reach of the conventional broom or duster and get rid of persistent grime and dirt deposits in various parts the home with special attention to wet areas, such as floors and sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms, which are potential sources of harmful germs.
Make sure that mirrors and wall hangings are securely in place
Tidy up the place
While this may seem ridiculously redundant, people across the world do make it a point to do some preliminary cleaning before the hired cleaner arrives. Cluttered, unkempt homes pose a challenge to professional cleaners, who are usually allotted a specific time span to complete a cleaning assignment and deliver quality results.
Make Alternate Arrangements
If you are particular about supervising the clean up, take adequate steps to protect yourself from the dust, dirt, smell of cleaning agents etc. It is however important to make alternate arrangements for children, the sick or elderly as well as pets. Regular medications and other essentials such as food and water must be readily available at the usual time to everyone at home, including you.
Take care of these things and you’re ready to welcome the cleaners. Do fill us in on any additional preparations you've had to make!