5 Effective Methods to Dispose of Garbage in Your Home

Let's start this blog by defining what garbage is. Garbage is the composite or non-composite things in your home that you don't need anymore such as food waste and other rubbish. However, mothers would also consider their sons and daughters as garbage if they are also wasting space just like banana peels and old cartons. Be careful not to wake up stuck in the garbage disposal. Jokes apart, proper disposal of garbage is crucial to overall hygiene, contributing to health hazards and environmental pollution. As a bonus, you might also face pest and rodent issues if you do not deal with your garbage as you should.

But, worry not. This blog will help with just that. Let us learn about the different ways you could dispose of waste in your residence.

Dealing with Garbage:

Dealing with garbage is a step-by-step process that if you get used to, your garbage accumulation will be minimal.

1) Segregation:

The most vital step in disposing of garbage is segregation. You must maintain multiple garbage bins for different kinds of waste. Recyclable, Non-recyclable and Organic waste must be stored and disposed of in different ways. A lot of us might have noticed this segregation in hospitals due to its high risk of disease and also used to make homes more eco-friendly. When public waste bins segregate their waste, so can we, right?

You are also doing Mother Earth a big favour by practising segregation because now all your recyclable waste can be recycled instead of ending up in the landfill.

2) Composting:

Composting organic waste is probably the most ideal way to discard it effectively. Vegetable or fruit peelings, food scraps, eggshells or any other biodegradable waste can be processed into plant manure. When you take care of your plants with this special manure, they will most likely protect you with all their pollen. Allotting a corner in your backyard to use as a composite bin or pile can greatly reduce your environmental footprint and improve your soil health as a bonus.

3) Reduce Waste:

Okay, this might seem like we are asking you to live the life of a monk, but no. Think about it. Why do we produce waste? Why does your bin overflow so fast even though you had just emptied it last night? Single-use packaging and plastics contribute to almost 60-70% of your garbage. It is always better to opt for products with minimal packaging especially if they come in reusable containers. Your consumption habits can tell a lot about you. Don't let your guests figure it out that easy. Make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of waste you generate. Buying in bulk and repairing instead of replacing are also great ways to practice waste reduction.

4) Safely Dispose Hazardous Waste:

If you have been stuffing all kinds of waste in one garbage bag, you might be on the list of your garbage collector's "people to kill" list. It is a nightmare for the municipal garbage staff to sort the garbage and send it to their processing station. They are humans too and it is not right for anyone to make someone go through that. Now that you feel a little bit of guilt, certain items such as batteries, electronic devices or homemade nuclear bombs contain hazardous elements that need a special kind of disposal. If done incorrectly, it will be a great health risk for humans and the environment.

5) Educate Others in the Community:

Sharing the importance of proper waste management with your family and friends will surely bring about a change in all your lives. Share this blog with your apartment WhatsApp group also (with a cat meme thumbnail or they won't open), who knows, you might accidentally help someone.

You must set an example to your family with this new waste reduction process. Encourage them to follow these steps including recycling, reusing, reducing and composting and bringing in an environment-friendly culture in your living space.


The above 5 steps are sure to reduce the number of maggots and flies you see daily through waste reduction. You need to be responsible, proactive and a superhero to the environment to live a happy and sustainable life. Segregate and compost, waste reduction and handle hazardous items, and spread awareness within your community. By following these practices, not only do we minimize the damage humans cause but also build the bridge for a more sustainable future. Let's take responsibility for our dirty dirty behaviour and impact our surroundings positively.